3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Frame

Understanding the Application Frame Layout

A description of the objects involved in the V5 interactive application layout
Technical Article


This article shows the layout of the V5 application and the objects involved in this layout. To take full advantage of this article, a reading of the "Application Frame Overview" article [1] can be benefit to have a global view of the V5 Application. 

The V5 Interactive Application Layout

The V5 Application is an interactive application [2]. This section presents all the C++ objects which are involved in the layout of this application.

The CATApplicationDocument

The application layout is provided by the non-exposed CATApplicationDocument class.

Fig.1: The V5 Interactive Application Layout

The V5 layout contains many objects among which the main ones are:

Menu bar It is a CATDlgMenu class instance. You customize it through workbenches [3] and Add-ins [4]. 
Tool bars They are CATDlgToolbar class instances. You create them also through workbenches [3] and Add-ins [4]. 
Status bar It is a CATDlgStatusBar class instance. The message displayed inside is either the active command name or an information driven by the current command. 
Power input It is a non-exposed dialog object class included in the status bar. This tool, depending on the configuration level, may be unavailable.
Document window Each window is an instance of a class deriving from the CATFrmWindow class. In the picture below, the Part document is visualized with two instances and the Product document with one instance. In the Product and Part document cases, the default window is a CATFrmGraphAnd3DWindow (CATIAApplicationFrame Framework)
Dialog Box It is a CATDlgDialog class instance. It can be a simple command [7] or an object driven by a state command [5]. 
Decorator This object is an invisible dialog object which contains all the dialog objects related to the document: all its windows and all its dialog boxes. Thanks to this object, it is possible to hide/deactivate all the dialog objects when the document loses the focus. 


The CATApplicationFrame class 

 This CATApplicationDocument class instance is built by the CATApplicationFrame class instance. 

Fig.2: The V5 Interactive Application UML Diagram

 This UML diagram shows that:

The main methods of the CATApplicationFrame class are:

GetFrame             This static method returns the unique instance of this class.
SetMessage       To set a message in the status bar. 
GetApplicationDocument This method returns the CATApplicationDocument class instance
GetMainWindow    This method returns:
  • The CATApplicationDocument class instance if no document is open

  • otherwise, the decorator associated to the current document(editor)

This class is generally used to retrieve the current decorator in order to be set as the dialog parent of a dialog box [6]:
CATApplicationFrame * pFrame = CATApplicationFrame::GetFrame();
if ( NULL != pFrame ) 
   CATDialog * pParent = pFrame->GetMainWindow();
   CATMyDialogBox * pMyDialogBox = new MyDialogBox(pParent,...);

MyDialogBox will be automatically hidden when the editor will be deactivated. Therefore if you need a dialog box always visible, and independent of the life of the document, its parent must be the CATApplicationDocument class instance returned by the GetApplicationDocument method. You can also read the "Defining Headers in CATIAfrGeneralWksAddin Implementations" section in the technical article about the command headers [5]. 


The CATFrmEditor Class

The C++ objects involved in the Model View Controller paradigm are:

Fig.3: The MVC Paradigm

This diagram shows several things:

  1. The document manages the editor and the window creation through interfaces:

    1. The CATIEditor interface is used to create the CATFrmEditor instance, actually a CATFrmObjectEditor class instance. 

    2. The CATIDocumentEdit interface is used to create the default window to display the document. This window is a class instance deriving from the CATFrmWindow class. The "Defining a New Window Type" section shows that the document can implement other interfaces to provide other window types. 

  2. The editor is a CATCommand.

  3. The CATFrmEditor class does not contain the list of the windows associated with the document. This list is managed by the CATFrmLayout class. The next section explains the role of this unique class instance and how to retrieve the list of windows created for a document. 

The methods of the CATFrmEditor class, those in relationship with the layout, are:

GetCurrentEditor  This static method returns the current editor. This method must be used only in a command class constructor. In the state command case, you ought to prefer the CATStateCommand#GetEditor method. This method is available everywhere in the state command.
GetDocument           Returns the document which has created the editor but which may not be the one displayed in the windows. If you open a Product document, then edit one of its Part instance's, the editor displays the Part, but GetDocument always returns the Product document. 
GetWindowCount     Returns the count of CATFrmWindow associated with this editor.
GetCommandSelector Returns the command selector dedicated to the editor.

The CATFrmEditor class has other roles mentioned below but not detailed in this documentation:


The CATFrmLayout Class

This class manages all the windows created. It enables you to:

This class enables you to find all the windows opened for a document: 
CATFrmLayout * pLayout = CATFrmLayout::GetCurrentLayout();
if ( NULL != pLayout ) 
   CATLISTP(CATFrmWindow) WindowList ;
   WindowList = pLayout ->GetWindowList();
   for ( int = i ; i <= WindowList.Size() ; i++ )
        CATFrmWindow * pCurrentWind = WindowList[i] ;
        if ( NULL != pCurrentWind )
           CATFrmEditor * pEditor = pCurrentWind->GetEditor(); 
           if ( NULL != pEditor )
               CATDocument * pDocument = pEditor ->GetDocument(); 
               if ( pDocument == pOurDocument)
                  // pCurrentWind is a window for our document 

There is only one instance of this class during a session. The GetCurrentLayout method retrieves this unique instance. The GetWindowList methods returns all the windows of the session. To select only those dedicated to a document, you should retrieve the document which has created the window. This information is kept by the editor which is itself kept by the window. Fig.3

Receiving the events sent by the editors 

Each editor, a CATFrmEditor class instance, sends an event when it is closing or when its UI-active object is changing. If you are interested by receiving this information, you should be aware that the CATFrmLayout class is the "sender" and not the editor itself. In your code you set the following callback:



This It is the subscriber.
CATFrmLayout::GetCurrentLayout The unique  CATFrmLayout class instance is the event publisher.
CATFrmEditor::EDITOR_CLOSE_ENDED() It is the published event. You also have CATFrmEditor::UIACTIVEOBJECT_CHANGED()
Class::MethodCB It is the method called when the event is sent. As usual, the class must be the class name of this.

When the editor is not the publisher, you should test in the callback method that the editor which sent the event is at the origin of the event.

void Class::MethodCB(CATCallbackEvent  iEvent, void            * iFrom,
                     CATNotification * iNotification,CATSubscriberData iClientData,
                     CATCallback       iCallBack )     
  if ( _pMyEditor == iFrom )


_pMyEditor  A data member of the class 
iEvent It is the published event (CATFrmEditor::EDITOR_CLOSE_ENDED or CATFrmEditor::UIACTIVEOBJECT_CHANGED)
iFrom The CATFrmEditor class pointer concerned by the event 
iNotification This pointer is always NULL .
iClientData The fifth data of the AddCallback global function
iCallBack  The callback identifier

Refer to use case [7]  for a sample. 

Managing the current window

The CATFrmLayout class enables you to activate a new window. This method is SetCurrentWindow. You can use it to display in the foreground the current document window or to change of the current document. However, bear in mind that using this method has the same effect as clicking on the window: a new editor may be activated and your command may be deleted.

Here is an action method of a state command of a Part workbench.

CATBoolean MyStateClass::MyActionMethod(void *iPointIndice)
 CATFrmWindow * pWindowProduct = ...
 CATFrmLayout *pLayout = CATFrmLayout::GetCurrentLayout();
 pLayout->SetCurrentWindow(pWindowProduct );

In this action method pWindowProduct is a pointer on a Product document window. Thanks to the SetCurrentWindow method, this document will be activated. But the current command, MyStateClass, will be deleted if it is a shared or exclusive command [5]. Nevertheless, you can interact until the action method is over (MyActionMethod). 

To summarize, the methods of the CATFrmLayout class are:

GetCurrentLayout             This static method returns the unique instance of this class.
SetCurrentWindow    This method enables you to give the focus to a window. This method is useful when the window has just been created. See the "The Default Window" section.
GetCurrentWindow    This method returns the window which has the focus.
GetWindowList    This method returns all the windows created in the frame. 


The Document Window 

A document window allows you to visualize the document content, either entirely or partly. It must be a class deriving from the CATFrmWindow class. All the windows have the following inheritance tree:

This section explains the contents of a window, how the default window is created, how the window title is managed and how to create your own window


The Contents of a Window

A window is a CATDlgDialog class and as such, it can contain any dialog object susceptible to be included by this class [6]. But in most cases it contains CATViewer (Visualization framework) instances. You have to respect only one rule: all the dialog objects must be inside a frame created by the CATFrmWindow class:

This frame is an invisible frame that you retrieve with the GetViewerFrame method. Inside this frame the objects must be arranged with the tabulation layout [8]. To take full advantage of the grid layout [9], you can create an intermediary frame with the CATDlgGridLayout style. 

Here is an example :

Refer to the "Creating a Document's Window -2" use case [10].


The Default Window

On  Fig.3 you can note that the default window is created by the CATIDocumentEdit interface. This interface is used when the document is open. 

The Window Title

The CATFrmWindow class constructor is:

CATFrmWindow(const CATString & iWindowTag, CATFrmEditor * iEditor = NULL);

The name of the window will be iWindowTag. If it is not a complete file name, otherwise the name will be the one of the file:

  1. CATFrmWindow("MyWindowName", pEditor);

  2. The name of the window is MyWindowName

  3. CATFrmWindow("e:\users\Part.CATPart", pEditor);

  4. The name of the window is Part.CATPart

In fact, this (truncated) name is the base name. You can change it using the SetBaseName method on the CATFrmWindow class. It is a base name because after the first window creation an index will be added to the window title. Consider this scenario:

1) The TestFrame Part is opened
2) File/ New Window

After the creation of the second window, the name of the first window becomes TestFrame.CATPart:1. This part is detailed further in the "Managing the base name" section.


Defining a New Window Type

A default document window is provided by the V5 application. However, you can visualize it in a different way by creating a new window type for the document. The article [11] gives you a concrete sample.  

The class defining the new window type must have at least five methods:

Depending on your window, other methods may be available. For example, you can have a method which returns the list of viewers if the window is multi-viewer [10].


As usual the constructor of a dialog box is simple:

MyWindow :: MyWindow ( const CATString &iName, CATFrmEditor * iEditor )
                   : CATFrmWindow(iName,iEditor):_pViewer(NULL),


In the constructor the data members which are pointers are set to NULL. Generally, these data members correspond to the viewer(s) and the path of the objects to be visualized.

In the destructor the data member which are pointers are set to NULL. You do not need to delete the viewers since they are automatically deleted.  


The Build method, as usual for a Dialog class, creates and arranges the dialog objects (viewers). The "Contents of a Window" section can help you to carry out this part. The second role of this method is to manage the interactivity for the objects to visualize. 

There are two kinds of objects to visualize:

In both cases, the main goal is to attach the objects to be visualized to the CATCommand tree. Actually it is the manipulator attached to the graphic representation of the objects. The following diagram illustrates this: 

Fig.4: The CATCommand tree

The code in the Build method is the following:

For the elements of the document:

list ListIVisu;
IID visu = IID_CAT3DGeoVisu;

CATVisManager * pVisuManager = CATVisManager::GetVisManager();
CATCommandSelector *pCommandSelector = pEditor->GetCommandSelector();




pVisuManager  It is a pointer to the unique CATVisManager class instance.
pEditor The CATFrmEditor class instance of the window
_pRootObjectPath It is a CATPathElement of the root model. It is a data member used to keep a handle on the model. 
pViewPoint One viewpoint of the viewer, the main 3D, the main2D or another viewpoint.
ListIVisu A list of CATIVisu IID. 

This AttachTo method must be called as many times as the root model is in a viewpoint.

For the temporary elements of the CATISO:

CATISO * pISO = pEditor->GetISO()  ;  

The  AddViewer method must be called as many times as there are viewers in the window.

The last operation in the Build method is to declare the PSO [1] and HSO [1] to the CATVisManager

CATPSO * pPSO = pEditor->GetPSO() ;   
pVisuManager->AttachPSOTo( pPSO,pViewPoint);

CATHSO * pHSO = pEditor->GetHSO() ; 
pVisuManager->AttachHSOTo( pHSO,pViewPoint);

These AttachPSOTo and AttachHSOTo methods must be called as many time the root model is seen by a viewpoint. 

The Build method is now complete. 


This method is called when the end-user closes the document or when the window is closed. 

void NewWindow :: DeleteWindow()
   // ISO management
      CATISO * pISO = NULL ;
      pISO = GetEditor()->GetISO();
      if  (NULL != pISO)   pISO->RemoveViewer(_pViewer);
   // Root Model management
      CATVisManager * pVisuManager = CATVisManager::GetVisManager();
      CATViewpoint  * pViewPoint = NULL ;
      pViewPoint = (CATViewpoint*) &(_pViewer->GetMain3DViewpoint());
   // PSO/HSO management

   // Mandatory call
This method is the opposite of the Build method. The temporary objects of the ISO  and the object of the model are "detached" from the CATCommand tree Fig.4

You should also detach the PSO and the HSO from the CATVisManager

At the end of the DeleteWindow method, do not forget to call the parent method. It is important to finish the window deletion.


This method is called when the end user selects the Window/New Window command. Its role is to create a new instance of the window. 

CATFrmWindow * MyWindow :: DuplicateWindow()
   // Window creation
   CATString NameOfThis = GetBaseName().CastToCharPtr() ;
   CAAAfrHistogramChartWindow * pWindowToReturn = new MyWindow(NameOfThis,GetEditor() )  ;
   // Assigning the characteristic of the current instance 
   float r,v,b ;
   CATViewer *pNewViewer = pWindowToReturn->GetViewer()
  // Windows title management
   return  pWindowToReturn ;
This method may assign to the new instance all the visual characteristics of the duplicated window. The last action consists in "recomputing" the name of the first window.

Defining a Window Creation Interface

To create instances of the new window type, you can use the constructor class (new). But it can be useful to create an interface, implemented by the document, to provide a creation method. This last methodology avoids linking the framework which creates the window to the one which uses it.

The source file of the interface implementation must contain: 

#include "TIE_MyInterface.h"              

CATImplementClass(CAAEMyInterface, DataExtension, CATBaseUnknown, XXX);


MyInterface The name of the new interface [12]
CAAEMyInterface The class which implements MyInterface
XXX The suffix of the document ( CATPart for a Part document for example)

This interface must have at least one method  which creates an instance of the new window. In general, this method contains three parts:

HRESULT CAAEMyInterface::CreateWindow()  
   1/ Creating the new window 
   2/ Managing the base name 
   3/ Declaring the window as current


In Short

This article enables you to understand the role of the main objects defining or managing the V5 interactive application. 



[1] Application Frame Overview
[2] Designing Your Interactive Application
[3] Creating a Workbench
[4] Creating an Add-in
[5] The CAA Command Model
[6] Creating Dialog Objects
[7] Creating a Command that Consists in a Dialog Window
[8] Arranging Dialog Objects with Tabulation Layout
[9] Arranging Dialog Objects with Grid Layout
[10] Creating a Document's Window -2
[11] Creating a Document's Window -1
[12] Creating Interfaces
[13] The Command Headers
[14] Using the Visualization Manager
[15] Interactive Set of Objects


Version: 1 [Fev 2003] Document created

Copyright © 2003, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.