3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Make dialog boxes or display documents
Quick Reference


The Dialog Window
CATDlgDialog.jpg (9014 bytes)
ListDialog.jpg (13352 bytes)
The dialog window is dedicated to either:
  • display views of a document, such as the first window beside that contains a 3D view and a graph view or specification tree of the same part
  • contain controls arranged to enable the end user to enter values, or select options to edit, modify, or print these documents, or to globally parameterize the application. For eample, the second window beside is a dialog to set printing options.

Use the dialog window as a base class when you want to create a window for a document or a dialog.


Containment Parent
The parent of a instance of a class that derives from CATDlgDialog must be an instance of a class that derives from CATInteractiveApplication (UNIX only) or CATDlgDocument.


Name Display Description
default CATDlgDialogDefault.jpg (5788 bytes) The dialog window features three OK, Cancel, and Help push buttons
CATDlgWndModal CATDlgDialogModal.gif (5599 bytes) The dialog window is modal, that is, no interaction is possible outside this window as long as it is displayed. On UNIX, the cursor changes to show that nothing can be done outside the window.
CATDlgWndOK CATDlgDialogOK.jpg (3743 bytes) The dialog window features the OK push button
CATDlgWndCANCEL CATDlgDialogCANCEL.jpg (4037 bytes) The dialog window features the Cancel push button
CATDlgWndAPPLY CATDlgDialogAPPLY.jpg (4003 bytes) The dialog window features the Apply push button
CATDlgWndHELP CATDlgDialogHELP.jpg (3863 bytes) The dialog window features the Help push button
CATDlgWndNoButton CATDlgDialogNoButton.jpg (2779 bytes) The dialog window doesn't feature any push button
CATDlgWndBtnBottom The push buttons are located at the bottom of the window. This is similar to the default. The push buttons are located at the right of the window with Windows, and are regularly placed from left to righ with UNIX.
CATDlgWndSmallDecoration CATDlgDialogSmallDecoration.jpg (3989 bytes) The dialog window has no title bar
CATDlgWndNoDecoration CATDlgDialogNoDecoration.jpg (3093 bytes) The dialog window has neither title bar nor resizing frame
CATDlgWndPointerLocation The dialog window is created at the mouse cursor location
CATDlgWndAutoResize The dialog window is automatically resized with respect to its content's modifications
CATDlgWndNoResize CATDlgDialogNoResize.jpg (5299 bytes) The dialog window cannot be resized by the end user. The minimize and maximize buttons are not available
CATDlgWndChildMDI The dialog window is located within its parent application main window. This is available with Windows only
CATDlgWndTitleBarHelp CATDlgDialogHELPTitleBar.jpg (4751 bytes) The help button is located in the title bar, as a question mark. This is possible with Windows only and has no effect with UNIX


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgDiaOKNotification GetDiaOKNotification Whenever the OK push button is pressed
CATDlgDiaCANCELNotification GetDiaCANCELNotification Whenever the Cancel push button is pressed
CATDlgDiaHELPNotification GetDiaHELPNotification Whenever the Help push button is pressed
CATDlgDiaAPPLYNotification GetDiaAPPLYNotification Whenever the Apply push button is pressed
CATDlgMDIRestoreNotification GetMDIRestoreNotification Whenever the dialog window is restored
CATDlgMDIMinimizeNotification GetMDIMinimizeNotification Whenever the dialog window is minimized
CATvMDIMaximizeNotification GetMDIMaximizeNotification Whenever the dialog window is maximized
CATDlgMDINextNotification GetMDINextNotification Whenever the dialog window is activated as the next of the current one
CATDlgMDIPreviousNotification GetMDIPreviousNotification Whenever the dialog window is activated as the previous of the current one
CATDlgMDICloseNotification GetMDICloseNotification Whenever the dialog window is closed
CATDlgMDIActivateNotification GetMDIActivateNotification Whenever the dialog window is activated


Programmer's Guide

Create a dialog window by deriving the CATDlgDialog class. CATDlgDialog cannot be instantiated and must always be derived. A dialog window can be a MDI window only if its parent application window is also a MDI window. A dialog window includes all window capabilities of your operating system, such as move, resize, minimize, and maximize.


Constructing a Dialog Window

Derive CATDlgDialog.

_pDialogWindow = new DialogWindow(iApplication, iName, iStyle)


Retrieving the Contextual Menu and the Menu Bar

You can retrieve the contextual menu or the menu bar of a dialog window as follows:


Managing the Push Buttons

You can manage the title and the sensitivity of any push button as follows. The examples are written for OK. Replace OK with CANCEL, HELP, or APPLY in the method names for the Cancel, Help, Apply push buttons respectively. When the push buttons are created, theit titles are OK, Cancel, Help,a nd Apply respectively:


Setting a Title to an Application Main Window

The application window title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the application window constructor.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.