Mechanical Modeler

Integrating a New Geometrical Feature in the Update Mechanism

Implementing the CATIBuild and CATIBuildShape interfaces on geometrical features
Technical Article


The aim of this article is to explain the implementation of the CATIBuild interface on the geometrical feature [1]. This interface is used in the Update mechanism to build the result of the features. The article is divided in three parts: 

  1. An overview of the CATIBuild interface to explain its role and the contents of its implementation,
  2. An explanation about the main purpose of this interface, in other words, how to create the result of the feature,
  3. At last, a presentation of the architecture of the Build method, the understanding of which is useful when taking into account update error management and feature de-activation.

To take full advantage of this advanced article, a pre-requisite knowledge of the Feature Modeler [2] and the Mechanical Modeler [3] is essential. 

Principles of the CATIBuild Interface

This interface is called whenever an object need to be updated. Consequently, the feature will get an associative geometric result computed by objects coming from the Geometric Modeler's frameworks. 

This interface has only one method, the Build method, whose the contents depends on the geometrical feature, but whose the main purpose is always the same:

Fig.1: Build Actions 

In this above figure [Fig.1] you should notice two things:

While the CATBody is created by topological operators, the scope creation is dependant on the geometrical feature type:

Once the implementation of the CATIBuild interface has been accomplished, a verification of the result is necessary. The CATMmrVerifyUpdate application enables you to check the validity of the new feature. The article entitled "Verifying the Validity of a Geometrical Feature" [8] explains how to use this application.

Note : All algorithms used to generate geometries are versioned. Indeed, several internal algorithms exist to compute topological results.
Consequently, in the two cases (Creating a Datum or using a Feature with geometrical specifications) a Software Configuration has to be retrieved on the feature to choose the right algorithm before generating results. This configuration has to be stored on the instance at the end of the build method to keep this information. [14]

Creating the Result without Using a Procedural Report

We are in the case of a datum, a feature without any geometrical specification. The "Datum versus Specification" section of the article entitled "The Contents of the Specification Container - Geometrical Features" [1] gives more details about this kind of geometrical feature.

In this case, you have to compute a Geometrical result (a CATBody). And, after this computing,  the scope will be generated "from scratch" using good API.
However, as CGM algorithms are versioned, you have to retrieve the Algorithm Configuration associated to your feature before computing its geometrical result. This is done thanks to CATMmrAlgoConfigServices services. [14]

  CATSoftwareConfiguration * pSoftConfig = NULL;
  rc = CATMmrAlgoConfigServices::GetConfiguration(pSOCombinedCurve ,pSoftConfig ,IsConfigToStore);
    CATTopData TopData ;

Then, with this TopData, you can generate the geometry associated to your feature, using the good algorithm level...

  CATTheTopoOperator * pTopoOperator = NULL ;
  pTopoOperator = ::TopologicalGlobalFunction(pIGeomFactory,pTopData,...);
  CATBody * pBody  = pTopoOperator -> GetBodyResult();

At the end of the build method, the Software configuration, mandatory to generate geometrical result, would be stored if it is needed. This is done with CATMmrAlgoConfigServices::StoreConfiguration method.

  if(IsConfigToStore == 1)
    CATMmrAlgoConfigServices::StoreConfiguration(pSOFeature, pSoftConfig);


Now, as the geometry is created, you just have to create the scope associated.

To create this scope, you must use the CreateScopeResult method of the CATIMfResultManagement interface. This method allows you to generate a scope that does not contain a history. This means that the nodes of such scopes are not linked to nodes of other scopes. 

As we have seen in the "Generic Naming" [4] document, the name of a cell is computed using the historical relationship that exists between the nodes and using the specific information added to the node. For a node generated with CreateScopeResult only the added information is available. As a matter of fact, a generic name cell will always looks like: 

Cell of dimension X    generated by feature Y  with info Z

This means that for a given feature, the cells with the same information will have exactly the same generic name. The end user will not be able to select them individually.

Fig.2: Meaning of the Added information 

In this example, the end user will be able to select either the edge with information 0 or the two edges with information 1 together. He will not be able to select one of the two edges with information 1 individually.

The CreateScopeResult method has two signatures. The simple signature takes only the CATBody as input parameter. It will generate a scope that contains one node for each cell that must be followed. Each node will have a different info. Therefore each cell will be selectable. 

Fig.3: A Different Information for Each Node

In this example the CreateScopeResult method has generated the nodes and has associated to each node a different information value. Each cell will be selectable individually, and can be used as a specification by another mechanical feature.

  CATBody * pBody = operator->GetBodyResult() ;    
  CATIMfResultManagement* pIMfResultManagement =NULL ;
  HRESULT rc = QueryInterface(IID_CATIMfResultManagement,
                                        (void**)&pIMfResultManagement  );
  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
     rc = pIMfResultManagement->CreateScopeResult(pBody);

where pBody is a CATBody created previously by using the appropriate topological operators.

However if the feature is updatable, then there is no guarantee that the information that must be associated with each cell will be the same after the update. In other words, this feature is not associative, since the way its cells are named is not stable. To overcome this problem, it is possible to use a more complex signature that allows an application to specify the information that must be associated with each of the following cells of the CATBody. These following cells are:

If this signature is used, then it is the responsibility of the application to ensure that the naming will be consistent. Being consistent implies that:

Fig.4: Same info for cell of different dimension:
This naming is not consistent because two cells of different dimension have the same info 0.
Fig.5: Update not consistent:
This naming is not consistent after the update because:
  • The information 0 which was associated with the face is now associated with an edge. Same for information 4.
  • No cell has kept the same name !

This complex signature can be used to limit the user's possibility in terms of selectable cells. For example, a feature might generate a complex geometry made of multiple faces. By using the same information for every face, it is possible to prohibit the selection of the individual faces. This may be necessary if the application cannot guarantee the number of faces or if it is meaningless to use only one face to build the next geometry.


In this example, the user will be able to select:
  • A group of 6 faces
  • One of the 4 boundary

He will not be able to select each face individually or the internal edges of the shell.

The application can safely change the number of faces in the result.

The code is the following:

  CATBody * pBody = operator->GetBodyResult() ;  
  CATLISTP(CATCell)ListOfFollowedCells = ... ;
  CATListOfCATUnicodeString ListOfUserKey = ... ;
  CATIMfResultManagement* pIMfResultManagement =NULL ;
  HRESULT rc = QueryInterface(IID_CATIMfResultManagement,
                                        (void**)&pIMfResultManagement );
  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
     rc = pIMfResultManagement ->CreateScopeResult(pBody, 


Note: ListOfFollowedCells and ListOfUserKey are two lists with the same size.


Creating The Result With Procedural Report

We are in the case of a feature having geometrical specifications. The procedural report allows the application to benefit from a more complex algorithm for node creation. It also allows the creation of nodes that are linked to other nodes through historical relationships. The following schema explains the creation of the scope by using a Procedural report.

Fig.7: Procedural Report

There are three main steps to create the result:

  1. Creating the Procedural Report
  2. Running the Topological Operator( s ) - Get the Algorithm Configuration
  3. Storing the Procedural Report and The Algorithm Configuration

It is in the third step that the Mechanical Modeler will create the scopes and the nodes of the feature according to its topological result. It will also establish relations between new nodes and nodes of the input scopes according to the topological journal.

Usually, the topological journal is generated by the topological operator during the calculating of the result. CAA based operators may have to manage their own journal.

Creating the Procedural Report

You should use the CreateProcReport method of the CATIMfProcReport interface (MechanicalModeler) implemented on the geometrical feature.

  CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) ListSpec ;
  CATListofCATUnicodeString ListKey ;
  int BoolOper = 0 ; // or 1 
  CATIMfProcReport *pIMfProcReportOnThis =NULL ;
  HRESULT rc = QueryInterface(IID_CATIMfProcReport,
                                                 (void**)&pIMfProcReportOnThis );
  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
     rc = pIMfProcReportOnThis->CreateProcReport(ListSpec,ListKey,BoolOper);


The list of specifications must contain the mechanical features whose scopes are needed to build the new scope.

The list of keys must have the same number of elements than the list of specifications. The default  value is MfKeyNone. A different key value will indicate that the historical relationship of a node should be replaced with a user information. The value of the key must be in relationship with the information given by the topological report.


Consider the case of a pad. The top face of a pad can be computed by extruding the sketch to a numerical length [Fig. 8] or it can be calculated up to a given surface [Fig. 9]. In the first case, the top face will have the Top information. In the second case, the top face will have a historical relationship with the limiting face. As a matter of fact the naming will be different and switching between the two options will break any other feature which is using the top face as an input specification.


The solution to this problem is to use a keyword MfKeyTop for the limiting surface to tell V5 that the historical relationship between the top face and the limiting surface must be replaced by a Top information. Then the name of the top face will be the same as for a pad with a given length

Running the Topological Operator(s) - Get the Algorithm Configuration

The topological operators need an object which contains:

  CATCGMJournalList *pCGMJournalList = NULL ;
  pCGMJournalList = pIMfProcReportOnThis->GetCGMJournalList() ;  
  CATSoftwareConfiguration * pSoftConfig = NULL;
  rc = CATMmrAlgoConfigServices::GetConfiguration(pSOCombinedCurve ,pSoftConfig ,IsConfigToStore);
    pTopData = new CATTopData(pSoftConfig,pCGMJournalList );

One or several topological operators can be used to create the final result.

  CATTheTopoOperator * pTopoOperator1 = NULL ;
  pTopoOperator1 = ::TopologicalGlobalFunction(pIGeomFactory,pTopData,...);
  pTopoOperator1 ->Run();
  CATBody * pBody1  = pIMfProcReportOnThis->GetResult();
  CATTheTopoOperator * pTopoOperator2 = NULL ;
  pTopoOperator2 = ::TopologicalGlobalFunction(pIGeomFactory,pTopData,...);
  pTopoOperator2 ->Run();
  CATBody * pResultBody  = pIMfProcReportOnThis->GetResult();

Where TopologicalGlobalFunction is a simulated topological operator. The first argument of an operator is always the geometrical factory interface. This interface is implemented on CGMGeom, the geometrical container of the Part document. Refer to the article entitled "The Structure of the Part Document" [9] to retrieve it.

The geometrical result  is returned by the method GetResult of the CATIMfProcReport interface pointer on the current feature. The result of the Build method is the result computed after the last operator. The intermediate results must be deleted from the geometrical factory: 


Storing the Procedural Report and The Algorithm Configuration

To close the procedural report, use the StoreProcReport method on the CATIMfProcReport interface pointer on the current feature. 

  pIMfProcReportOnThis->StoreProcReport(pResultBody, TypeProcReport, BoolOper)



On the First Build call, the feature determines its AlgorithmConfiguration. This data has to be stored to insure versionning of this feature [14]
To store it, use the StoreConfiguration method of the CATMmrAlgoConfigServices

  if(IsConfigToStore == 1)
    CATMmrAlgoConfigServices::StoreConfiguration(pSOFeature, pSoftConfig);



Geometrical Feature Specificity 

In the previous section, the generic contents of the Build method for a feature with geometrical specifications has been explained. The aim of the current one is to detail the only three possible cases: the surfacic feature, the contextual feature and the form feature. For each one, the parameters for the procedural report and the possible operators are presented. 

Reading the "Specification/Result Mechanism Applied to Mechanical Features" [10] is recommended to take full advantage of this chapter.

Surfacic Features

We are in the case where the feature derives either from the GSMGeom or from the GeometricalElement3D StartUp.

Fig.10: Surfacic Feature Build

In most cases, the features to follow by the procedural report are all the sp_in features. See the Combined Curve use case for a complete example. [11]

Contextual Features

This is the case where the feature derives from the MechanicalContextualFeature StartUp.

Fig.11: Contextual Feature Build

To create the geometry, Topo B, associated with the feature result, Solid B, of the Contextual feature, a topological operation will be executed on the geometry (Topo A) pointed by  the Solid A feature 

The list of features to insert in the procedural report are: 

For the topological operator, you can for example use the CATDynFillet operator created by the CATCreateDynFillet global function. 

  CATDynFillet * pDynFillet = NULL ; 
  pDynFillet = ::CATCreateDynFillet(pIGeomFactory,iTopData,spResultInBody);

where spResultInBody is the CATBody (Topo A) associated with the ResultIN feature . Use the GetBodyIN method of the CATIShapeFeatureBody (MechanicalModeler) interface to retrieve it. The other parameters of the topological operator are explained in the "Running the Topological Operator(s)" section. 

Topo B will be the resulting geometry retrieved by the GetResult method of the CATIMfProcReport. See the "Running the Topological Operator(s)" section.

Form Features

This is the case where the feature derives from the MechanicalFormFeature StartUp.

Fig.12: Form Feature Build

To create the geometry, Topo B, associated to the result feature, Solid B, of the form feature, there are two steps

The topological body (Topo C) and the scope associated with the form feature are created by the BuildShape method of the CATIBuildShape (MecModInterfaces) interface. This method has the same architecture as the Build method.  See the next chapter entitled "Architecture of the Build and BuildShape Methods". 

List of Features to follow by the Procedural Report:

You can use a topological operator such as CATDynBoolean created by the CATCreateDynBoolean global function. 

  CATDynBoolean * pDynBoolean = NULL ; 
  CATDynBooleanType = CATBoolUnion ; // or CATBoolIntersection or CATBoolRemoval 
  pDynBoolean = ::CATCreateDynBoolean(pIGeomFactory,iTopData,CATDynBooleanType,


Topo B is the resulting geometry returned by the GetResult method of the CATIMfProcReport. See "Running the Topological Operator(s)"

The Part Design use case "Implementing a Mechanical Design Feature Building" presents an example for a form feature.


Architecture of the Build and BuildShape Methods 

The purpose of these two methods is always the same:

Update Error Management

Taking into account Feature De-activation

The CATIMechanicalProperties interface enables you to de-activate/re-activate a feature from the update mechanism. In the solid features case (MechanicalFormFeature and MechanicalContextualFeature) this flag is automatically taken into account, meaning that the CATIBuild interface is not called in the feature update. But for a surfacic feature (GSMGeom and GeometricalElement3D) the CATIBuild interface is always called. So, you have to manage the activation flag inside the Build method except for features deriving from GeometricalElement3D: the CATIMechanicalProperties interface is not available for this feature. 

Structure of the Methods

The structure of the Build and the BuildShape methods are the following:

HRESULT MyClass::Build()
   HRESULT rc = S_OK ;
   Declaring Useful Pointers 
      Testing the feature de-activation
      if ( feature active )
         if ( feature is a form feature )
            int value = BuildShape(); 
            if ( 0 != value )
               rc = E_FAIL;
         if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
            Cleaning Last Error

            Creating the Feature Result (scope and topology) 
            Cleaning Useless Data 

      Processing a CATMfErrUpdate Error
      Processing a CATError Error
   return rc ;     
Declaring Useful Pointers 

Before the CATTry section you declare all the pointers:

All these pointers will be deleted/removed/released in the CATCatch sections if an error occurs, see the "Deleting the Useless Pointers" section. Otherwise, the same pointers will be cleaned during the CATTry section and at the last of this section, see the "Cleaning Useless Data" section.

Testing the feature de-activation

The first thing to do in the Build method is to check whether the feature is active or not. Note that in the BuildShape method this is not necessary because for a form feature, the Build and the BuildShape methods are not called. 

      CATIMechanicalProperties * pIMechanicalProperties = NULL;
      rc = QueryInterface(IID_CATIMechanicalProperties,pIMechanicalProperties );
      if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) && ( 1 == pIMechanicalProperties->IsInactivate())
         QueryInterface(IID_CATIMfProcReport,(void **)& _pIMfProcReport);
         rc = pIMfProcReport->InactivateResult();

The CATIMechanicalProperties interface enables you to know the status of the feature. The InactivateResult method of the CATIMfProcReport processes the result de-activation. _pIMfProcReport is a CATIMfProcReport interface pointer declared before the CATTry section, because the InactivateResult method can throw an error.

If you have used the CATIMfResultManagement to create a result without a procedural report, you should not have to test the feature de-activation, because your feature being a datum must not implement the CATIMechanicalProperties interface.

Cleaning Up Last Error

This first step consists in invalidating the error which has perhaps been associated with the feature at the previous update.

  CATIUpdateError *pIUpdateErrorOnThis =NULL ;
  HRESULT rc = QueryInterface(IID_CATIUpdateError ,
                                        (void**)&pIUpdateErrorOnThis );
  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
     rc = pIUpdateErrorOnThis ->UnsetUpdateError();
Creating the Feature Result (scope and topology)

This part is explained in the "Creating the Result without Using a Procedural Report" and "Creating the Result Using a Procedural Report" sections.

Cleaning Useless Data 

Releasing or deleting the useless objects created for the result.

Processing a CATMfErrUpdate Error

In most cases, the current error is sufficient and it can be associated with the feature without modification. 

     pIUpdateErrorOnThis ->SetUpdateError(pMfErrUpdate);
     Deleting the Result
     Deleting the Useless Pointers

In certain cases, you have to create a new CATMfErrUpdate class instance.

       CATMfErrUpdate *pNewMfErrUpdate = new CATMfErrUpdate();
       pIUpdateErrorOnThis ->SetUpdateError(pNewMfErrUpdate);
       Deleting the Result
       Deleting the Useless Pointers
Processing a CATError Error

Some is the CATError class, you should return a CATMfErrUpdate class instance to prevent the update mechanism from displaying the "Update Diagnosis" dialog box.

     CATMfErrUpdate *pNewMfErrUpdate = new CATMfErrUpdate(); 
     pIUpdateErrorOnThis ->SetUpdateError(pNewMfErrUpdate);
     Deleting the Result
     Deleting the Useless Pointers
     rc = E_FAIL ;



In Short 

The CATIBuild interface enables you to generate the result of the feature. In the case of a geometrical feature, this result consists in:

Please, note that topological result and scope are linked to a defined Algorithm Configuration which determine versioning of feature.[14]



[1] The Contents of the Specification Container - Geometrical Features
[2] Feature Modeler Overview
[3] Mechanical Modeler Overview
[4] Generic Naming Overview
[5] Topology Concepts
[6] The CGM Topological Model
[7] The CGM Journal
[8] Verifying the Validity of a Geometrical Feature
[9] The Structure of a Part Document
[10] Specification/Result Mechanism Applied to Mechanical Features
[11] Building Combined Curve's Result
[12] A Description of Update errors
[13] Managing Errors Using Exceptions
[14] Configuration and Versioning in Mechanical Modeler


Version: 1 [Dec 2002] Document created
Version: 2 [Jan 2007] Document updated with Algorithm Configuration

Copyright © 2002, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.