Source Code Manager


Synchronizing workspaces

Quick Reference


The adl_sync command synchronizes the current workspace against a published revision of its parent workspace. 


adl_sync [-tree ws_tree_name] [-from label_name] [-wr] [-no_ds] [-simul] [-no_manual_merge] [-merge_info file] [-h | -help | -?]


In the default mode, synchronization is done with the last published state of the parent workspace.

If the parent workspace has made a publication with a label, this label must be given when the adl_sync command is launched. This label is a string, identifying the published version of the parent workspace, with which the current workspace wants to be synchronized

With the –wr option, you can keep the acquired files after the workspace synchronization.
If a file was acquired before the synchronization, and if modifications have been brought back in this file with the synchronization, they will be merged in the acquired file. The file is still in an acquired mode after the synchronization.

The last public revision is not obligatory the last revision of the parent workspace.



adl_sync accepts the following options:  

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-tree ws_tree_name Synchronize only these workspace trees.
-from label_name You synchronize with the revision of the parent workspace published with label <label_name>.
-wr Keep the checked-out files.
-no_ds No display.
-simul To simulate the synchronization.
-no_manual_merge Not to solve merge at the end of the command (useless if adl_set_merge -later has been run).
-merge_info file File in which to write whether merges should be solved or not (interface with other tool).



  1. Photo if necessary
  2. Collect (creation of a new version if no collect has been done just before)
  3. Automatic merges
  4. Refresh of the current image
  5. Manual merges

The following modification, provided it is different from a collect, leads to a photo. You can do several collects on the same version of a workspace.


Necessary context

The context is identical to the context of the [3] adl_photo command.


Prerequisite commands



Synchronize the “MyWs” workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs


Synchronize the "MyWs" workspace with the "label_name" revision of his parent workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_sync -from label_name


Synchronize the current workspace, only in the tree "ToolsTree":  

adl_sync -tree ToolsTree 


Synchronize the "MyWs" workspace, only in the tree "ToolsTree" in simulation mode.

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_sync -simul
--- Simulation start ---
One or several officially or privately checked-out files exist in following image(s):
Synchronizing the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "ToolsTree".
New current modifications:
AdeleMyFw\AnotherModule.m\src\AnotherFile.cpp has been modified

---  Simulation end  ---


Synchronize the current workspace, keeping the checked-out files, with no manual merges  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_co AdeleMyFw\MyModule.m\src\MyFirstFile.cpp
adl_sync -wr -no_manual_merge
Recording all modifications of image "image_MyWs" in the workspace "MyWs" of the workspace tree "TollsTree"
Command successful.

Freezing the revision "107" of the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "ToolsTree".
Command successful.

Synchronizing the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "ToolsTree".
New current modifications:
AdeleMyFw\AnotherModule.m\src\AnotherFile.cpp has been modified

Command successful.

Freezing the revision "108" of the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "ToolsTree".
Command successful.

Refreshing the image "image_MyWs" of the workspace "MyWs".
AdeleMyFw\AnotherModule.m\src\AnotherFile.cpp has been modified
Command successful.

Officially checking-out the file elements checked-out before the command in the workspace "MyWs" and the workspace tree "ToolsTree":
Command successful.



adl_ci: Checking in official acquisition
adl_solve_merge: Solving merges
adl_photo: Freezing your workspace
adl_rm_priv: Suppressing private acquisition
adl_co: Acquiring files



Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


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