Source Code Manager


Unchecking private files

Quick Reference


The adl_rm_priv command suppresses the private check-out put on one, or more, files in the current image of the current workspace.


adl_rm_priv {file... |-all} [-h | -help | -?]


This command removes the modifications made on one, or more, file(s) acquired in a private mode (see the  [3] adl_mk_priv command) of the current image of the current workspace. A file can be checked-out either in a private mode ([3] adl_mk_priv command) either in a official mode ([1] adl_co command)

The command requests as an input argument:

If the file is not in private mode in the current image of the current workspace, the command returns an error.
If the file is in private mode in the current image of the workspace, its last version is projected, replacing the present file.

To see all the files checked-out in a private mode, run the [2] adl_ls_priv command.



adl_rm_priv accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
file ... Path(es) of the file(s) element(s) to uncheck-out in private mode
-all All private checked-out files in the current image are restored with their latest contents.



Remove all the check-out on a file "MyFile" in a private mode in the directory "src" of the framework "MyFw" of the workspace "MyWs":

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_rm_priv -all


Remove the check-out on the "MyFirstFile" and "MySecondFile" files:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs

adl_rm_priv MyFirstFile MySecondFile



adl_co: Acquiring file in an official mode
adl_ls_priv: Listing acquired files in a private mode
adl_mk_priv: Checking-out a file in a private mode



Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


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