Source Code Manager


Freezing workspaces

Quick Reference


The adl_photo command freezes the last version of the workspace. This means that each new modification of the workspace will lead to the creation of a new revision of the workspace. 


adl_photo [-tree ws_tree_name] [-wr] [-h|-help|-?]


This command is related to the flow commands (adl_sync [1], adl_promote [2], adl_collect [3]) and verifies that all the images of the involved workspace do not have checked-out files. If so, the command fails. Note that the adl_photo command concerns all the images of the current workspace, unlike the adl_ci command, which is run on the current image only.

When you want to put back in the database modifications you are working on, in order to refresh another image, the adl_ci command is enough.


Necessary Context

No acquisition in a private mode in the current image
No merge to be resolved within the workspace
No official nor private acquisition in the others images of the workspace
If the first condition is fulfilled, the check-in is done, but the version is not frozen.



adl_photo accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-wr Keep the checked-out files.
-tree ws_tree_name Freeze only these workspace trees.



Photo on the workspace "MyWs", not yet in the “MyWs“ workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
Recording all modifications of image "ImageMyWs" in the workspace "MyWs" of the workspace tree ToolsTree.
Command successful

Freezing the revision "104" of the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "ToolsTree".
Command successful


Photo on your current workspace, keeping the files "MyFile" and "AnotherFile" in work:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_co MyFile AnotherFile
adl_photo -wr
Recording all modifications of image "ImageMyWs" in the workspace "MyWs" of the workspace tree ToolsTree.
Command successful

Freezing the revision "104" of the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "ToolsTree".
Command successful

Officially checking-out the file elements checked-out before the command in the workspace "MyWs" and the workspace tree "ToolsTree": "my_file" "another_file"
Command successful


Photo on your workspace, only in the tree "ToolsTree":  

adl_photo -tree ToolsTree



[1] adl_sync: Synchronizing workspace
[2] adl_promote: Promoting workspace
[3] adl_collect: Collecting workspace



Version: 1 [Feb 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.