Geometric Modeler


The Surfaces of CATIA Geometric Modeler

Properties and Detailed Descriptions
Technical Article


CGM offers a great variety of surfaces. This paper describes their common properties as well as their particular features.


A surface is a function from a closed interval of R^2 to R^3. Hence, it is defined by three scalar functions of two variables. The variables are usually called parameters of a point on the surface and denoted through U and V, while the scalar functions represent the mapping, for each point of the surface, between the Cartesian coordinates, usually called X, Y, Z, and the corresponding parameters U and V.

Fig. 1: The mapping between the parameters and the Cartesian coordinates
Surfaces1.gif (3848 bytes) Three scalar functions FX, FY and FZ map the (U,V) parameters into the Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z) for each point P of the surface.

Multi-patches surfaces are defined as a set of (n_u*n_v) connected pieces, each piece, called patch, having its own parameterization. Hence, a point belonging to the surface can be expressed in terms of:

Fig. 1b: Local and global parameters on a 3*2 patches surface
Surfaces1b.gif (5335 bytes) The Cartesian coordinates of the point P can be evaluated using the global parameter (U,V), or the local parameter (u_3,v_2) on the (3,2)th patch.


Properties of the CGM Surfaces

The CGM surfaces implement the CATSurface interface, which behavior is now described. The CATSurface interface inherits all the behavior of the CATGeometry interface. Therefore, the factory of the CGM objects (CATGeoFactory) handles the creation, stream, unstream and remove of the CGM surfaces. The geometric transformation and/or duplication of CGM surfaces is managed by specific processes through CATTransfoManager and CATCloneManager instances [3]. For more details about the CGM objects general properties, see [1].


General Validity Criteria

  1. CGM surfaces must be C2 continuous. Hence, the surfaces are many infinitely differentiable with respect to the (U,V) parameters on each patch, and only twice continuously differentiable between two patches. CGM directly generates objects satisfying this criterion. If you want to introduce foreign surfaces, you have to insure that they satisfy it. If they do not satisfy it, you can cut them where they are not C2 continuous, and use topological objects to assemble the parts.
    Fig. 2: Validity criteria for surfaces

    Surfaces4.gif (7022 bytes)
    In addition, the surfaces must not be self intersecting, except if they are closed (as for a cylinder for example).

    On the other hand, they can be degenerated, but only on one or two boundaries that are not adjacent.

  2. In each direction, (U and V), the curvilinear length must be greater than the resolution of the factory. The resolution defines the minimum length of a valid object, see [1].
  3. The normal to the surface must not be null (except possibly at a point on the surface boundary). This applies to degenerate isoparametric curves.
  4. The normal can only be null on a degenerate boundary (of a sliver face for example).
  5. The surface curvature radius must be greater than the resolution.
  6. Each patch must have a 3D length greater than the resolution  along U and V.
  7. The surface parametrization must be as close as possible to the curvilign (the norm of the partial derivatives must be around 1 and always in the 0.1-10 range).

Specific objects

  1. Nurbs Surfaces: control points should be in the geometric infinite
  2. Nurbs Surfaces: control points should be distant from more than the resolution
  3. Nurbs Surfaces: degree must be less than 15


Class for Handling Surface Parameters

The surface parameters only have sense if they are associated with the surface they parameterize. These parameters are handled through the CATSurParam instances, which are transient objects containing the parameters in each directions and a reference to the surface. In peculiar, they transform global parameters into local parameters and patches, and vice versa. The CATSurParamReference transient instance can not directly be created; the surface is responsible for retrieving a CATSurParam instance under your request.


Limits and Bounding Box of a Surface

A surface has a maximal limitation, outside which it is not defined, or cannot be extrapolated. This limitation is expressed in terms of a CATSurLimits transient instance, containing two CATSurParam instances.

Geometric operators can be run on a part of the whole surface, therefore defining a current limitation. This current limitation is also handled by the CATSurLimit class.

Each surface is able to retrieve the definition of a space that surrounds it: the bounding box. This information is very useful, especially if you want to have a first diagnostic of intersection for example.
The bounding box contains two points, and can be a CATMathBox instance, if expressed with Cartesian coordinates, or a a CATSurParam instance, if expressed with parameters.



The main behavior of a surface, for a point lying on this surface, is to evaluate the Cartesian coordinates from its parameters and, conversely, the parameters from Cartesian coordinates:

The surface is responsible for the mapping between the (X, Y, Z) Cartesian coordinates and the (U, V) parameters, so that no assumptions must be maid about this mapping, except for a few objects that have published their own parameterization.



It is useful to retrieve the equations representing the surface, especially when you want to operate the geometry. You can retrieve these equations as CATMathFunctionXY instances, that are transient and created under request.

All surface modification changes the equations. Thus, it is necessary to precisely define the use of the geometry equations. There are 3 main methods for using equations.

In case of a modification of a surface,


Various Types of Surfaces

You find four major surface types in the CGM offering: the resolved surfaces, the sampled surfaces, the multi-represented surfaces and the procedural surfaces.You can also introduce your own class of surface, and use it as any CGM surface in all the CGM operators or as the underlying geometry of a topological object. For a detailed description of this mechanism, see [2].


Resolved Surfaces

These surfaces are only available on a mathematical form: NURBS, canonical surface (plane, cone, sphere, cylinder, torus) belongs to this type. Evaluations are made directly from the mathematical equations. The following array describes, for each resolved surface, its definition parameters, and the validity range of the definition parameters which come in addition to general validity criteria that have already been described.

CATCylinder obtained by parallel displacement of a circle, or a part of a circle, along an axis.
The definition parameters are:
CATMathAxis Axis The axis whose third direction is the cylinder axis
CATPositiveLength Radius The cylinder radius
CATAngle StartAngle The low limitation on the direction of the circle.
CATAngle EndAngle The high limitation on the direction of the circle.
CATLength StartLength The low limitation in the second direction
CATLength EndLength The high limitation in the second direction

Validity range of the definition parameters:

  • 0 <= StartAngle <= 2*Pi, StartAngle <=EndAngle <= StartAngle +2*Pi
  • StartLength < EndLength
CATCone The definition parameters are:
CATMathAxis Axis The (O,X,Y,Z) axis, whose third Z direction is the cone direction
CATPositiveLength StartRadius The circle radius on the plane (O,X,Y)
CATAngle ConeAngle The external angle between the cone and the (O,X,Z) plane intersection, and the (O,X,Y) plane
CATAngle StartAngle The low limitation of the circle arc, measured from the axis first direction.
CATAngle EndAngle The high limitation of the circle arc, measured from the axis first direction.
CATLength StartRuleLength The low limitation of the cone length, measured on the third direction.
CATLength EndRuleLength The high limitation of the cone length, measured on the third direction.

Validity range of the definition parameters::

  • 0 < ConeAngle < Pi/2
  • 0 <= StartAngle <= 2*Pi, StartAngle <=EndAngle <= StartAngle +2*Pi
  • StartRuleLength < EndRuleLength . They may be negative, if they do not exceed the Z abscissa of the cone apex.
CATTorus The full torus is defined by an axis and two radii. The major ring sweeps a full circle in the (O,X,Y) plane, of radius MajorRadius and centered at the origin of the Axis. The minor ring sweeps a full circle of radius MinorRadius, centered at some point on the major ring and lying in the plane containing this center point, the origin O, and the vector Z. A piece of the full torus is given by limiting the angles through which the major ring sweeps and those through which every minor ring sweeps. The definition parameters are:
CATMathAxis Axis The (O,X,Y,Z) axis, whose third direction Z is the torus direction
CATPositiveLength MajorAxis The major ring radius on the plane (O,X,Y)
CATPositiveLength MinorAxis The minor ring radius on the plane (O,X,Z)
CATAngle MajorStartAngle The low limitation of the major ring, measured from the axis first direction.
CATAngle MajorEndAngle The high limitation of the major ring, measured from the axis first direction.
CATAngle MinorStartAngle The low limitation of the minor ring, measured from the direction of the ray given by the MajorAngle.
CATAngle MinorEndAngle The high limitation of the minor ring, measured from the direction of the ray given by the MajorAngle.

Validity range of the definition parameters:

  • 0 <= MajorStartAngle <= 2*Pi
    MajorStartAngle <=MajorEndAngle <=MajorStartAngle +2*Pi
  • -Pi/2 <= MinorStartAngle <=Pi/2
    MinorStartAngle < MinorEndAngle<= Pi/2+MinorStartAngle,
CATSphere The definition parameters are:
CATMathAxis Axis The axis whose center is the sphere center
CATPositiveLength Radius The sphere radius
CATAngle MeridianStart The low limitation of the meridians existence.
CATAngle MeridianEnd The high limitation of the meridians existence.
CATLength ParallelStart The low limitation of the parallels existence
CATLength ParallelEnd The high limitation of the parallels existence

The meridian planes are passing through the axis third direction, the parallel planes are othogonal to the axis third direction. Validity range of the definition parameters:

  • -Pi/2 <= ParallelStart <=Pi/2, ParallelStart < ParallelEnd<= Pi/2+ParallelStart
  • 0 <= MeridianStart <=2*Pi, MeridianStart < MeridianEnd<= 2*Pi+ MeridianStart
CATPlane The definition parameters are:
CATMathPoint Origin The plane origin
CATMathDirection FirstDirection The first normalized direction
CATMathDirection secondDirection The second normalized direction, othogonal to the first one
CATSurLimits Limits The limitations if needed
CATNurbsSurface NURBS definition of a curve, see [4]


Sampled Surfaces

These surfaces result from a computation that does not lead to a canonical form. For example, a fillet with variable radius cannot be expressed in terms of a cylinder or another canonical surface. Moreover, the limiting curves in this case are defined by a Spline interpolation between marching points, obtained by a progressive algorithm. It is the reason why this type of surface is called sampled surface. For example, the CATGenericFilletSurface interface manages the behavior of a fillet surface that is not canonical, while the CATGenericRuledSurface interface manages the behavior of a draft surface that is not canonical.

CATGenericFillet Surface generated by the smallest circle arcs of CenterPoints centers and passing through Limit1 and Limit2 sets of points. The definition parameters are:
CATMathSetOfPointsND CenterPoints The center of the circles
CATMathSetOfPointsND Limit1 Corresponding passing points on the first limitation curve
CATMathSetOfPointsND Limit2 Corresponding passing points on the second limitation curve
CATGenericRuledSurface Surface generated by lines passing through and delimited by Limit1 and Limit2 sets of points. The definition parameters are:
CATMathSetOfPointsND Limit1 Corresponding passing points on the first limitation curve
CATMathSetOfPointsND Limit2 Corresponding passing points on the second limitation curve


Multi-represented Surfaces

The multi-represented surface simply delegates, without computation, its evaluation to a pointed surface.This model allows CGM to keep as long as possible the object canonicity: for example, an object implementing the CATFilletSurface interface point to an objet implementing a canonical surface (such as CATCylinder, CATCone) or to an object implementing the CATGenericFillet if the resulting fillet is not canonical. The canonical representation, if it exists, is returned by the CATSurface::GetGeometricRep method.

Fig. 3: The multi-represented surfaces
Surfaces2.gif (5852 bytes) CATFilletSurface, CATDraftSurface, CATSweepSurface, CATOffsetSurface are interfaces for various multi-represented surfaces. Each of these surface refers to another one for the evaluation process. The referred surface is preferably a canonical surface. If it is not possible, sampled or procedural surfaces are chosen.

Multi-represented surfaces are often created with geometric operators that are dedicated to this creation. The following array displays the geometric operator or the method of the CATGeoFactory to use for the creation of each type of multi-represented surface:

Surface Creation Definition parameters
CATFilletSurface CATConnect
Connection of two or three surfaces.
CATSurface Surface1 The first surface to connect
long Orientation1 The Surface1 orientation to take into account
CATSurface Surface2 The second surface to connect
long Orientation2 The Surface2 orientation to take into account
CATSurface Surface3 The third surface to connect (optional)
long Orientation3 The Surface3 orientation to take into account (optional)
CATConnectTool RadiusLaw The definition of the radius law: constant: CATConstantFilletTool or variable: CATVariableFilletTool
CATChamfer CATConnect
Defines a surface such that the surface normal has a constant angle with a given direction (called draft direction)
CATSurface Surface1 The first surface to connect
long Orientation1 The Surface1 orientation to take into account
CATSurface Surface2 The second surface to connect
long Orientation2 The Surface2 orientation to take into account
CATChamferTool ChamferDef The chamfer is defined:
either with a distance on each surface,
or with a distance and an angle
CATDraftSurface CATGeoFactory::
CATOffsetSurface CATGeoFactory::
CATSweepSurface CATExtruder


Procedural Surfaces

The procedural surface uses the evaluation of another surface, call the reference, for the computation of its own evaluation. The reference can be any type of surface, even a procedural one. But in this last case, this will be more time consuming: two evaluations are done, one for each level. In case of a CATProcOffsetSurface referring another CATProcOffsetSurface however, the offset values are directly cumulated at the surface creation, so that only one evaluation is done.

Fig. 4: The evaluation mechanism and the special case of procedural offset surface
Surfaces3.gif (7309 bytes) When you ask for an evaluation of a procedural surface, the procedural surface uses the evaluation of its reference. This process is recursive if the reference is a procedural surface itself, so that it could be time consuming, because each procedural surface do computations at each level.

This is not the case for a procedural offset surface of another procedural offset surface: here, the offset are cumulated, eliminating the recursivity.

We detail now the various procedural surfaces.

CATProcOffsetSurface Generated by offsetting each point of a reference surface in the direction of the reference surface normal and of length a given offset that may be positive or negative.
CATSurface Reference The surface to offset. Is any type of surface. In case of another CATProcOffsetSurface, the offsets are added and the reference surface becomes the reference surface of the CATProcOffsetSurface to offset.
CATLength Offset The value of the offset
CATTabulatedCylinder Generated by the translation of a generative curve.
CATCurve Profile The curve to translate
CATMathDirection Dir The translation direction
CATLength Start The low limitation of the surface on the translation direction
CATLength End The high limitation of the surface on the translation direction
CATRevolutionSurface Generated by the revolution of a generative curve around a direction.
CATCurve Profile The curve to rotate
CATMathAxis Axis The axis whose third direction is the rotation direction
CATAngle StartAngle The low limitation of the rotation
CATAngle EndAngle The end limitation of the rotation
CATLinearTransfoSurface Generated by transforming each point of a reference surface with a given geometric linear transformation.
CATSurface Reference The surface to transform
CATMathTransformation Transformation The applied transformation
CATNonLinearTransfoSurface Generated by transforming each point of a reference surface with a given non linear transformation.
CATSurface Reference The surface to transform
CATMathNonLinearTransformation Transformation The applied transformation


In Short



[1] The Objects of CATIA Geometric Modeler
[2] The Management of Foreign Data
[3] The Cloning and Transformation Managers
[4] About NURBS


Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.