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Understanding the CAA RADE Part Document

The CAA RADE part document consists of 4 containers: product, specification, scope,and geometry.
Each container can be accessed from the Part Document as retrieved below:

CATFrmEditor* pEditor = CATFrmEditor::GetCurrentEditor();
if(pEditor == NULL){
   printf("error getting the FRM editor");
CATDocument *pDoc = pEditor->GetDocument();

The product container holds the information for the part in relation to the product (location of part in assembly etc.)

CATIContainerOfDocument_var prConODocs = pDoc;
CATIContainer* pProdContainer = NULL;
HRESULT hr = prConODocs ->GetProductContainer((pProdContainer );
if(prConODocs == NULL_var){
   printf("error getting the container of documents");

Part Specification
The part specification container contains the design defined by the features in the part tree. This container can be accessed from the part document or a part feature.

CATIContainerOfDocument_var spConODocs = pDoc;
CATIContainer* pSpecContainer = NULL;
HRESULT hr = spConODocs ->GetSpecContainer(pSpecContainer);
if(spConODocs == NULL_var){
   printf("error getting the container of documents");

Use the part specification container.

The scope holds generic names for topology.
This container is also referred to as the BRep container.

CATIContainerOfDocument_var brConODocs = pDoc;
CATIContainer* pBrContainer = NULL;
HRESULT hr = brConODocs ->GetBRepContainer(pBrContainer );
if(brConODocs == NULL_var){
   printf("error getting the container of documents");

The geometry container holds the topological results of the features.
This container is also referred to as the result container.

CATIContainerOfDocument_var rConODocs = pDoc;
CATIContainer* pRContainer = NULL;
HRESULT hr = rConODocs ->GetResultContainer(pRContainer );
if(rConODocs == NULL_var){
   printf("error getting the container of documents");

For more information view the CAA RADE encyclopedia:

C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B18\CAADoc\Doc\online\CAAMmrTechArticles\CAAMmrStructurePartDoc.htm