Creating a Sketch

To create a sketch you must first create a new part:

There are two ways to create a sketch which are:

1) By Reference Planes

First get the variable for the part

CATIPrtPart_var spPart(pIPrtContOnDocument->GetPart());

With the part variable you can get the reference planes from the part

CATLISTV(CATISpecObject_var) spRefPlanes = spPart->GetReferencePlanes();

Then to create the sketch we will use the XY plane (spRefPlanes[1])

CATISketchFactory_var spSketchFactory(pSpecContainer);
if ( NULL_var == spSketchFactory ) return (CATStatusChangeRCCompleted);
CATISketch_var spSketch(spSketchFactory->CreateSketch(spRefPlanes[1]));
if ( NULL_var == spSketch ) return (CATStatusChangeRCCompleted);

2) By Origin and Directions

Another way to create a sketch is by defining an origin and a pH and pV direction

double origin[3]={0.0,0.0,10.0};
double x_dir[3]={1.0,0.0,0.0};
double y_dir[3]={0.0,1.0,0.0};

Then to create the sketch we will use the origin,x_dir, and y_dir

CATISketchFactory_var spSketchFactory(pSpecContainer);
if ( NULL_var == spSketchFactory ) return (CATStatusChangeRCCompleted);
CATISketch_var spSketch(spSketchFactory->CreateSketch(origin,x_dir,y_dir));
if ( NULL_var == spSketch ) return (CATStatusChangeRCCompleted);

Congratulations! You now have a sketch to work on.

To see how to create geometry on the sketch see Creating Sketch Geometry.

NOTE: Be sure to close the sketch when you are done using it
