Offline Programming  

This page deals with the Offline Programming options for Resource Detailing robotics products.

Download Settings

Downloader Directory

The Downloader Directory defines the location of the robot translators.  The DELMIA-delivered translators are located in the startup/Olp directory. Note that only the first listed library will be used to obtain the default translator.

The initial setting is startup/Olp/Translators.

Selected Downloader

The list provides a list of download translators available in the first library listed in the Downloader Directory section above.

The download translator assigned in the default translator section is the initial default translator used when click the Generate Offline Program button.

Save XML File In

Use the Browse button to choose a location to store an xml file that is created after download.

Upload Settings

Uploader Directory

Defines the location of the parser.  The DELMIA-delivered parsers are located in the startup/OLP directory. Note that only the first listed library will be used to obtain the default parser.

The initial setting is startup/Olp/Parsers.

Selected Uploader

The pulldown menu provides a list of upload translators (parsers) available in the first library listed in the Uploader Directory section above. 

The upload translator assigned in the default translator section will be the initial default translator used when selecting the Generate Offline Program button.

XML Validator

Use the Browse button to select the xml schema file to be used for xml validation during upload.

The default name of this file is Upload.xsd.

Robot Program Settings

Program Directory

Update this text field by clicking on the Browse button and picking a directory name from the standard File Dialog. During the upload, default directory selection of the Select Robot Program file dialog will be automatically populated based on this.

The default directory is your system's Temp directory.

Java Settings

Java Executable

This defines the location of the Java executable required if Java-based robot program uploaders will be used.  DELMIA uses Java for all DELMIA-delivered uploaders.  Currently, Java 1.4.1 is required and can be obtained from third party sources.

Jar Files

These files are libraries that contain the files required if using the Java xml parser.  The following files are provided and required:


None of the paths listed for your .jar files, your translator files, or your Java executable can contain spaces (e.g., the directory "Program Files" is forbidden).