This page describes the options which determine the behavior of the MBOM Viewer. 

MBOM Viewer Options

MBOM Viewer as 3D Viewer

Enable the checkbox to display 3D objects in the MBOM Viewer window.

PPR-Tree Option

When you activate this option, only the Manufacturing Assemblies that are assigned to other Manufacturing Assemblies will be displayed.

Show Fasteners

To show fasteners in the MBOM Viewer, select the option under Show Fasteners. You can select several options at the same time.

Show Assigned Fasteners Only

To show only fasteners that are linked to the process in the MBOM Viewer, select the option Show Assigned Fasteners Only. Additionally, you always must select at least one option under Show Fasteners.

Option is checked

Fasteners assigned to processes (only considered processes) are displayed in tree view if they are assigned to any part. They are shown in the graphics if they are shown in the tree.

Parts assigned to processes according to the rules are shown in the tree view and in the graphics. Fasteners linked to such a part are shown automatically in the graphics but not in the tree.

Option is not checked

All Fasteners assigned to processes (only considered processes) are shown in the tree view. They are shown in the graphics if they are shown in the tree.

Parts assigned to processes according to the rules are shown in the tree view and in the graphics. Fasteners linked to such a part are shown automatically in the graphics but not in the tree. (same as when option is ON)

Behavior of fasteners within BOM Viewer

Example for behavior if "Show assigned fasteners only " in Tools->Options->MBOM is ON:

Three fasteners exist in the project:

Spot Weld-10-0-0 (assigned to Operation1) is linked to Part1:

Spot Weld-0-10-0 is not linked to any part:

Spot Weld-0-0-10 is also linked to Part1:

MBOM of Operation1:

Tree View: Shows part assigned to Operation1. Spot Weld-10-0-0 is also shown in the tree because it is assigned to Operation1 and any part (here Part1).

Graphics: Spot Weld-10-0-0 and Part1 are shown in the graphics since it is shown in the tree. Also all fasteners linked to Part1 (Spot Weld-10-0-0 and Spot Weld-0-0-10) are shown in the graphics.


MBOM of Operation2:

Tree View: Shows the part assigned to Operation2. Does NOT show the fastener assigned to Operation2 because this fastener (Spot Weld-0-10-0) is not linked to any part.

Graphics: Only Part2 is shown. No fasteners are shown because there are no fasteners in BOM tree and there are not fasteners linked to Part2.

Behavior if "Show assigned fasteners only " in Tools->Options->MBOM is OFF:

MBOM of Operation1:

Same results as when “Show assigned fasteners only” checkbox is ON.

MBOM of Operation2:

Tree View: Shows the part assigned to Operation2 and the fastener assigned to Operation2.

Graphics: Part2 and Spot Weld-0-10-0 are both shown because they are listed in the tree. No other fasteners are shown because there are no other fasteners linked to Part2.