Source Code Manager


Connecting to the SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager

Quick Reference


The adl_transfer_client command is a basic command that is not intended to be used directly but rather from other SCM commands. It is given here for information purpose.


adl_transfer_client -id identifier -server server_name -port port_number [-silent] [-verb] <action...>  [-h | -help | -?]


The command establishes a connection with the SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager that is running on the remote host specified by the -server option and listening on the port specified by the -port option. Once the connection established, the command performs the given action and displays traces of execution. The return code of the command is zero if the action is successful.

There are several types of action that can be done using the command; each one is specified using a specific option.



adl_transfer_client accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-id An identifier allowing to share the working environment between successive calls to the command
-server Name of the remote host where the SCM Transfer Manager is running
-port Port number on which the SCM Transfer Manager is listening on the remote host.
-silent To execute without trace
-verb Display additional traces (for debug purpose)
-setenv To change the current workspace on the remote host
-cmd To execute the given command on the remote host
-put To transfer a file from the local host to the remote host
-get To transfer a file from the remote host to the local host
-rm To remove a file or a directory on the remote host (restricted to temporary data or data under a workspace's image
-rec Used with -rm option to remove directories
-start To register the arguments of this option as being one transfer's identifier. A given identifier can be register only once.
-finish To un-register the identifier that was registered using -start option
-info To get information about the SCM transfer Manager
-program This options applies to the -info option and allows to get information in a format usable by programs.
-sep This options applies to the -program option and is used to specify the character to be used between fields in output. The default field separator is ' '.
-refresh To reload the content of the control file. The control file is the one specified when starting the SCM Transfer Manager.
-stop_server To stop the SCM Transfer Manager specified by the -server and -port options.



The -info option allows a client to get information about a remote SCM Transfer Manager. The same information are displayed in normal and program mode. Here are details about the display for programs:



To register a new client that will be identified as "from Ws1 to Ws2". The SCM Transfer Manager is running on host "lebadsy" using port 23452:

adl_transfer_client -id foo -server lebadsy -port 23452 -start "from Ws1 to Ws2"


To select the workspace "WS2" as the current workspace on remote host lebadsy:

adl_transfer_client -id foo -server lebadsy -port 23452 -setenv Ws2


To un-register the client identified by "from Ws1 to Ws2":

adl_transfer_client -id foo -server lebadsy -port 23452 -finish "from Ws1 to Ws2"


To get information about a remote SCM Transfer Manager in program mode:

adl_transfer_client -id foo -server randdsy -port 23452 -info -sep "|"



[1] The SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager



Version: 1 [Nov 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.