Source Code Manager


Updating a tree characteristics

Quick Reference


The adl_set_tree command updates the characteristics of a tree managed on the current site.


adl_set_tree ws_tree_name  [-promo_with_cr change_request_mode] [-check_caa_rules | -no_check_caa_rules]  [-soft_level software_level] [-h | -help | -?]


This command updates the characteristics of a tree existing on a given site. To know all the existing trees on a given site, run the [2] adl_ls_tree command. To create a new tree, run the [1] adl_mk_tree command. To rename a tree, run the [3] adl_ren_tree command.

The characterics to be changed are related to:



adl_set_tree accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
ws_tree_name Name of the tree to be renamed
-promo_with_cr change request mode To set change request mode for the adl_promote command
-check_caa_rules The CAA rules are checked in all workspaces of the tree.
-no_check_caa_rules The CAA rules are not checked in the workspaces of the tree (default mode).
-soft_level A string (up to 32 characters) identifying the level of software managed in the tree. 


Update the characteristics of the tree "MyTree": change the promotion change request mode from NONE (default value) to OPTIONAL

adl_set_tree MyTree -promo_with_cr OPTIONAL


Update the characteristics of the tree "MyTree": change caa rules checking mode to ON:

adl_set_tree MyTree -check_caa_rules


Assign "V5R8" as the level associated with the tree "MyTree":

adl_set_tree MyTree -soft_level V5R8



adl_mk_tree:  Creating a tree
adl_ls_tree: Listing existing trees
adl_ren_tree: Renaming a tree name



Version: 2 [Oct 2001] New option -soft_level
Version: 1 [May 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.