Source Code Manager


Updating transfers' parameters

Quick Reference


The adl_set_is_transfer command updates transfers' parameters of the current SCM site.


adl_set_is_transfer [transfer_name] -ws workspace_name [-r_is_server is_server] | ([-r_is_server_host hostname] [-r_is_server_port port_number]) [-r_site site_name] [-image image_name | -dir directory [-local_dir]] [-h | -help | -?]


The adl_set_is_transfer command updates the parameters for a given transfer site. See the documentation of the adl_mk_is_transfer [1] to know of to create those transfers.

To list all the available transfers on a given site, run the [2] adl_ls_transfer command.

You can update several parameters related to a transfer:



adl_set_is_transfer accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-ws workspace_name Name of the workspace for which the transfers are listed
transfer_name Name of the transfer to update
-r_is_server Name of the new inter-site transfer server
-r_is_server_host Name of the new inter-site transfer host server
-r_is_server_port Name of the new inter-site transfer port server
-r_site New name of the site
-image Name of the new  image of the transfer workspace
-dir Name of the new directory of the workspace 
-local_dir To signify if the workspace directory is on a local host



Update the transfer log directory of the workspace "devlocal": the command will be launch in each tree if the transfer is multi-tree.

adl_set_is_transfer -ws devlocal -dir //HostName/home/temp/NewDir
Setting the parameters to the transfer "Transfer1" in the workspace "devlocal"
Command successful.

Update the server of the transfer:

adl_set_is_transfer -ws devlocal -r_is_server NewHost:NewPort
Setting the parameters to the transfer "Transfer1" in the workspace "devlocal"
Command successful.


adl_set_is_transfer -ws devlocal -r_is_server_host NewHost -r_is_server_port NewPort
Setting the parameters to the transfer "Transfer1" in the workspace "devlocal"
Command successful.



[1] adl_mk_is_transfer: Creating an intersite transfer into a workspace tree
[2] adl_ls_transfer: Listing all the transfer on the current SCM site



Version: 3 [Sep 2005] Document update: remove reference to adl_is_gui
Version: 2 [Oct 2002] Document update: add reference to adl_is_gui
Version: 1 [May 2002] Document creation


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