Source Code Manager


Setting change set characteristics

Quick Reference


The adl_set_cs command sets characteristics of a change set.


adl_set_cs [change_set] [-desc description] [-cr change_request_name...[-no_check] [-replace | -remove]] [-h|-help|-?]


This command sets characteristics of change set <change_set> or current change set in workspace.

The characteristics that can be set are:
- the description,
- the change requests associated to this change set.

By default, the change requests are added to the change set's change requests.
If you want to replace all the requests, use the -replace option.
If you want to remove one or many requests, use the -remove option.


adl_set_cs accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
change_set Name of the change set or identifier prefixed by "csid:".
-desc description Description for the change set (the existing description is replaced).
-cr change_request_name... Change request names for the opened change set without description (specific DS only).
-no_check No check that the given change requests belong to the right software level.
-replace Replace all the change set's change requests by the given ones.
-remove Remove the given change requests from the change set's change requests.



Setting the description of a change set:

adl_set_cs feb_RootT2Feb_1 -desc "IR n°123456 fix"
Setting the parameters to the change set "feb_RootT2Feb_1".
Command successful.

adl_ds_cs feb_RootT2Feb_1
Change set: feb_RootT2Feb_1 State: Opened Desc: IR n°123456 fix
   Created by feb with adl_ch_cs on Monday, October 11, 2004 05:20:04 PM in the workspace RootT2Feb. Not current in this workspace.



adl_ls_cs: listing change set
adl_ds_cs : displaying change set information
adl_reorg_cs: reorganizing changes between change sets
adl_forget_chg: Forgetting change
adl_ren_cs : renaming a change set
adl_close_cs: closing a change set



Version: 1 [Nov 2004] Document creation


Copyright © 2004, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.