Source Code Manager


Renaming a transfer of current SCM site

Quick Reference


The adl_ren_transfer command renames a transfer of the current SCM site.


adl_ren_transfer transfer_name new_transfer_name -ws workspace_name  [-h | -help | -?]


The adl_ren_transfer command renames an existing transfer on a given workspace to another transfer's name. See the documentation of the adl_mk_is_transfer [1] to know how to create those transfers.

With the mandatory  "-ws" option, and the name of the workspace, you can find out the transfer associated with this specific workspace of the current site.

In case of multitree workspace, the command is automatically launched for all the concerned trees.



adl_ren_transfer accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
transfer_name Name of the transfer to be renamed
new_transfer_name New name of the transfer
-ws workspace_name Name of the workspace for which the transfer is renamed



Rename of a transfer from "Transfer1" to "NewTransfer" for the workspace "devlocal":

adl_ren_transfer Transfer1 NewTransfer -ws devlocal
Renaming the transfer "Transfer1" to "NewTransfer" in the workspace "devlocal".
Command successful.


Rename of a multi-tree transfer from "Transfer1" to "NewTransfer" for the workspace "devlocal":

adl_ls_transfer -ws devlocal
Workspace 1     Transfer Tree 1     Workspace 2           Tree 2      Site 2     Inter site server     Image     Transfer log directory
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- devlocal Transfer1 tree1 MIRROR_Suresnes_devlocal_3 V5R7      Suresnes randdsy:23453 WINDOWS e:/datab/randdsy1/ws/devlocal
devlocal Transfer1 tree2 MIRROR_Suresnes_devlocal_3 V5R7Bis Suresnes randdsy:23453 WINDOWS e:/datab/randdsy1/ws/devlocal

adl_ren_transfer Transfer1 NewTransfer -ws devlocal
Renaming the transfer "Transfer1" to "NewTransfer" in the workspace "devlocal".
Command successful.

adl_ls_transfer -ws devlocal
Workspace 1     Transfer Tree 1     Workspace 2               Tree 2      Site 2     Inter site server     Image     Transfer log directory
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- devlocal NewTransfer tree1 MIRROR_Suresnes_devlocal_3 V5R7      Suresnes randdsy:23453 WINDOWS e:/datab/randdsy1/ws/devlocal
devlocal NewTransfer tree2 MIRROR_Suresnes_devlocal_3 V5R7Bis Suresnes randdsy:23453 WINDOWS e:/datab/randdsy1/ws/devlocal



adl_mk_is_transfer: Creating an intersite transfer into a workspace tree
adl_ls_transfer: Listing the name of all the transfers on the current SCM site



Version: 1 [May 2002] Document created


Copyright © 2002, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.