Source Code Manager


Publishing workspaces

Quick Reference


The adl_publish command publishes the current workspace.


adl_publish [-tree ws_tree_name] [-label label_name] [-desc description [-cr change_request_name...]] [-h|-help|-?]


This command publishes the current workspace.
This means that all the child workspaces gain access to the modifications of the current workspace.

It is possible to publish with a label. A label is a characters string, associated with the version of the workspace, and that will be published. This label must be specified later on by the child workspaces that want to get synchronized.
The label names are controlled in the same way as the [1] adl_mk_ws control: only alphanumeric characters and underscores only are allowed. It is forbidden to publish with a numeric label to avoid the confusion with a version number. The “last” character string is forbidden because it is reserved in SCM to identify the last version.
A publication without a label is equivalent to a publication with the PUBLIC label. A publication without any label scratches all the other publications included those with a label. A publication without a label invalidates all the previous publications (with label or not).
A publication with a label publishes the last revision of the workspace, after a photo if necessary. It invalidates the publication with the same label (if it exists).
If the last revision is a public one, you cannot publish with a label.


Necessary Context

No acquisition in a private mode in the current image
No merge to be resolved within the workspace
No official nor private acquisition in the others images of the workspace
If the first condition is fulfilled, the check-in is done, but the version is not frozen.


Prerequisites Commands

[2] adl_ci (or [5] adl_photo) in the other workspace images
[6] adl_solve_merge
[4] adl_rm_priv or [3] adl_co  



adl_publish accepts the following options:  

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-label label_name Name of  the label of publication.
-tree ws_tree_name Publish only these workspace trees.
-desc description Description for the opened change set without description. If more than one opened change set is associated to the current workspace, adl_close_cs command must be executed before adl_publish.
-cr CR... Change request names for the opened change set without description (internal DS only).



Publish of the workspace "MyWs", not yet in the “MyWs“ workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
Recording all modifications of image "image_MyWs" in the workspace "MyWs" of the workspace tree "TOOLSTREE"
Command successful.

Freezing the revision "106" of the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "TOOLSTREE".
Command successful.

Publishing the workspace "MyWs" in the workspace tree "TOOLSTREE".
Command successful


Publish of your current workspace, with the label "label_name":  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_publish -label label_name


Publish of your workspace, only in the tree "ToolsTree":  

adl_publish -tree ToolsTree



adl_mk_ws: Creating a workspace
adl_ci: Checking_in an object
adl_co: Checking_out (acquire) an object
adl_rm_priv: Removing private acquisition
adl_photo: Freezing a workspace
adl_solve_merge: Resolving merges



Version: 2 [Nov 2004] Document updated: -desc and -cr options added
Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


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