Source Code Manager


Administrating the monitor

Quick Reference


The adl_mo_admin command administrates the SCM monitor of a site. 


adl_mo_admin [-host host_name] [-port port_number] [-ping] [-stop | -suspend | -resume | -abort] [-rmcmd command_identifier...] [-rmlock lock_identifier...] [-lscmd] [-lslock] [-filter filter_name:filter_value ...] [-dscmd command_id ... ] [-dslock lock_id ....] [-dsrecobj rec_obj_id ...] [-no_title] [-verb verbose_level] [-program [-sep char]] [-out file_path] [-h | -help | -?]


For a given site, the site's administrator will manage the file contents servers and the central database and the monitor.

To start a monitor on a local machine, see the [1] adl_monitor command.

For more information on the Monitor, see the [2] Administration documentation. To learn about the file server administration, see the [3] adl_fs_admin command.

Here are details on the criteria for selecting objects:

The verbose level gives the quantity of traces you will have:

0 No trace
1 All client request traces
2  1+ Some debug informations
3  1+2+ All error messages sent to the client
4  1+2+3+ Dump of monitor tables after each client request
5  1+2+3+4+ Dump of database caches before each database access.



adl_mo_admin accepts the following options:

-h | -help | ? Help of the command
-host host_name Name of the SCM monitor machine
-port port_number port number of the listen monitor socket.
-ping To test the monitor activity
-stop To stop the monitor after it has completed all current commands.
-suspend To suspend the monitor activity. No more connection can be established.
-resume To resume the monitor activity. Authorize all new connections.
-abort To abort all transactions still running and stop the monitor.
-rmcmd command_identifier Abort and remove a command from the monitor.
-rmlock lock_identifier Remove a lock of a terminated command from the monitor.
-lscmd To list all current managed commands
-lslock To list all current managed locks
-filter To select monitor objects according to specified criteria
-dscmd command_id To display all attributes of specified commands by their identifier.
-dslock lock_id To display all attributes of specified locks by their identifier.
-dsrecobj rec_obj_id To display all attributes of specified recoverable objects by their identifier.
-no_title To inhibit the display of the title of the monitor object list.
-verb verbose level To start monitor traces
-program Display in a format usable by programs
-sep char Separator between each field (default value is blank).
-out file_path Path of the file where the results are stored.



List all the commands currently managed by the monitor which is running on host "host_name":

adl_mo_admin -host host_name -lscmd

1 commands are currently processed by the monitor:
dl@zorg(Windows_NT):490 Running adl_mo_admin (CkY-7Uq3MMg3+++-uU-K)


Test if the monitor is running on host "host_name" and using the port 23450:

adl_mo_admin -ping -host host_name -port 23450

Pinging host: host_name on port: 23450
Reply from HostName time 0 ms
Reply from HostName time 0 ms
Reply from HostName time 0 ms
Reply from HostName time 0 ms
Reply from HostName time 0 ms
#ERR# ADLMo - 0120: The connection with monitor on host: host_name and port number: 23450 has been successfully tested.


Change the verbose monitor's level:

adl_mo_admin -verb 3

#ERR# ADLMo - 0142: The Monitor has changed its verbose level with the value: "3".


List all the locks which are currently managed by monitor:  

adl_mo_admin -lslock


List all the current commands of the monitor for the specific user "UserName":
Note the error message at the first try  

adl_mo_admin -filter user:UserName

Options consistency check-up.
#ERR# ADLMo - 1055: You have set a -filter option without request the list of commands or locks at the same time.
Retry the command without a filter

adl_mo_admin -lscmd -filter user:UserName

1 commands are currently processed by the monitor:
UserName@zorg(Windows_NT):490 Running adl_mo_admin (CkY-7Uq3MMg3+++-uU-K)


Stop the current monitor for the port "PortNumber":

adl_mo_admin -port PortNumber -stop



adl_monitor: Starting the monitor
The SCM daemons: managing the monitor and file servers
adl_fs_admin: Managing the file server



Version: 1 [May 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.