Source Code Manager


Listing software object changes

Quick Reference


The adl_ls_so_chg command lists software object changes that are visible in a workspace. 


adl_ls_so_chg -all_fw | -fw fw...|{-fw_file fw_file} [-with_del] [-with_merge | -only_merge] {[-ws workspace_name] [-tree ws_tree_name]}|[-ws_rev ws_rev] -file file_path [-h | -help | -?]


This command extracts all the software objects changes that are visible in the attached components of the current workspace, and it writes their identifiers in the specified result file.
Changes can be forced with the [1] adl_force_so_chg command.

If the option -all_fw, -fw or -fw_file is used, only the specified frameworks are considered. You may give either names (whatever the current directory is) or identifiers using the prefix "soid:".

For the eventual case where merges cannot be extracted the command fails.

If you filter with components and if a SCM object may be found in another component (moves to merge), the command fails.
Example: two moves of the SCM object Object1 in the framework Fw1, have to be merged: move1 and move2.

+- Fw1 ! +- Object1 (move1) +- Fw2 +- Object1 (move2) The move move2 is out of the filter, so the merge can't be output.

If you don't want to consider objects that are seen as deleted and if a SCM object may be seen as deleted or not deleted (creation/deletion to merge), the command fails.
Example: a creation and a deletion of the SCM object Object1 in the framework Fw1, have to be merged: creation1 and deletion2.

+- Fw1 +- Object1 (creation1) +- Object1 seen as deleted (deletion2) The SCM object may be visible or not, and so the merge can't be output.



adl_ls_so_chg accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-all_fw Consider all the SCM objects
-fw fw... Name of the frameworks to consider
-fw_file fw_file Path of the file in which frameworks are to consider.
-with_del List the contained SCM objects even if they are seen as deleted.
-with_merge Extract also modifications to be merged.
-only_merge Extract only modifications to be merged
-ws ws_name Name of the workspace to examine. Default is current.
-tree tree_name Name of the workspace tree in which read the software object changes.
-ws_rev ws_rev Workspace revision to consider, with the format "ws.tree[.{number | label | last}]".
-file file_path Path of the file that will contain the software object changes identifiers.


List changes on the "MyFw" file, in the “MyWs” workspace. The result is sent to the "MyResultFile" file:

adl_ls_so_chg -fw MyFw -ws MyWs -tree MyTree -file MyResultFile


adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_ls_so_chg -fw MyFw -file MyResultFile

List all changes in my workspace “MyWs”:

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_ls_so_chg -all_fw -file MyResultFile



[1]  adl_force_so_chg: Setting software object changes



Version: 1 [June 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.