Source Code Manager


Meanings of SCM's buzzwords

Quick Reference



For each command named in this document, please see the [1] command reference guide, which gives the usage of all the SCM commands.




The attachment operation consists in getting a copy of a component into a workspace. SCM provides the adl_attach command for attaching a component. The reverse action is performed using the adl_detach command.


Binary (file)

Any file registered in SCM (adl_mk_elem) has two main characteristics: it is a "text" file or a "binary" file and is "executable" or "not executable". Managing a binary file means that it remains the same whatever it is projected on a Windows-NT or Unix file system and it is acquired in exclusive mode (see Check-out).



Action of saving all modified files from the current image into the repository. The check-in operation is performed by the adl_ci command and can be automatically performed from other SCM commands (adl_photo, adl_sync, etc).


Action of acquiring a file for editing it. Even if files are visible on users' file systems (workspace image), it is needed to check-out any file to be modified in order to register this action and to let the system maintains the whole set of modified files. Two modes are available for acquiring a file: the official mode is provided by the adl_co command while the private mode is provided by the adl_mk_priv command. The private mode allows users to edit any file but forbids them for delivering thoe files.

Child (workspace)

Except for the root workspace, any workspace is created under an existing workspace. The new workspace is called a child workspace of the existing workspace.

Code (module)

A code module (also called module) is used to gather source files composing an identified part of a framework: a dll, an archive or an executable. A code module is created using the adl_mk_mod command.


SCM manages two levels of components: the first level refers to frameworks and the second level refers to modules. Three kinds of frameworks exist: code, test or education frameworks. Two kind of modules exists: code or data modules.


A configuration is a set of versions of objects. SCM manages workspaces and components as configurations.


Data (module)

Data modules are module dedicated to various data other than source files. They are used for storing application resource files or test cases or documentation files. They are created using the adl_mk_data command.


There are two kinds of databases accessed by SCM processes: Oracle databases and File Server databases. A File Server database is dedicated to manage user files while Oracle databases are used for storing any other persistent data (configuration management data, etc). Oracle databases can be split in three kinds: one central database, one monitor database and one or more department databases.


Before being able to modify a component, any user must attach it in his/her workspace. When he/she doesn't need it no more, he can "remove" by detaching it. SCM makes a difference between detaching and removing a component: the first operation has an effect only in the workspace where it is executed while the second one will be propagated to other workspaces. The detach operation is performed using the adl_detach command.

Development (workspace)

Workspaces without any child workspace are usually called development workspaces because files are modified in them (and delivers to a project workspace afterwards).



User files are managed by SCM as elements. For instance, the adl_mk_elem is used for creating a new file in the SCM database.



The framework is the main component managed by SCM and other CAA V5 development tools. There are three kinds of frameworks regarding their purpose: code (no suffix), test (tst suffix) or education (edu suffix) framework. A framework is created using the adl_mk_fw command.


The last version of a workspace is sometimes frozen by a command when SCM needs to save this version because the command will impact it. Once a version has been frozen, the new modifications performed in the workspace are registered in a new version of this workspace.


Graphic tool

Several graphic tools have been developed, to help the user, and to visualize more easily different SCM commands and objetcs state. See the following commands: adl_ds_chg_gui, adl_import_gui.




Images are associated with workspaces, are identified by a name and have an associated directory. Images are the concrete view on objects managed in a workspace and all directories and files are projected from the repository under the image directory onto the user file system.


See. Database.


Intersite transfers are initialized, to allow two distant site to work together, and to share common components. See Transfers




Link (a workspace)

Multi-tree workspaces are created in one tree and linked in other trees. SCM provides the adl_link_ws for declaring an existing workspace in a new tree and the adl_unlink_ws for removing it.


Concurrent access on workspaces are controlled by SCM using locks. If one user tries to perform an operation that is conflicting with another one currently running, this user will be warned and his/her command will be pending until the completion of the other command.



When two (or more) users perform the same modification in their workspace, one time these modifications will come in the same workspace and will be conflicting. In such a case, SCM provides a command for merging them by creating a new modification. For instance, merging two versions of the same file consists in creating a new version of the file including the modifications coming from the two versions. In a same way, a merge occurs when two users have renamed the same file to two different names. merging them means chosing one name.


A modification (or a change) is the effect of a user action performed on an object managed by SCM. Different modifications are managed separately by SCM for any object: creation, deletion, move or renaming, Unix executable rights. These modifications compose the change sets exchanged between workspaces.


Modules are components inside frameworks. They can be either code or data modules depending on their purpose.


The monitor is a daemon whose purpose is to manage concurrent access and transactions for a given site. It is in charge of maintaining the consistency between the actions performed by the different components of the SCM system (database, file server, locking, ...).

Multi-tree (workspace)

A workspace can be created in more than one tree if it owns components from several trees. In this case the workspace is called a multi-tree workspace.




Object (or Software Object) is a general name for referencing any data managed by SCM in its repositories. Components as well as files and directories are seen as objects in SCM repositories.

Out-list / Outlist

SCM commands operate on users' files and directories. Any of them is associated with a database object. Database objects are identified by UUIDs. All the association betwen files and directories and the corresponding database objects are maintained by SCM for each workspace image in outlists. Outlists can be displayed using the adl_ls_out command.


Parent (workspace)

Except for the root workspace, any new workspace is created under an existing workspace. This existing workspace becomes the parent workspace of the new workspace and the new one is a child of the parent workspace. The parent workspace is the place from which new changes can be copied into the child workspace.

Prerequisite (components/frameworks)

When a component needs another one at buil time and run time, this other component is called a prerequisite component of the first one.On the contrary to their own frameworks, users do not need to attach copies of prerequisite component, in such a case, build and runtime CAA V5 tools use references to prerequisite component locations.

Private (file)

There are two ways of checking-out a file: privately of officialy. A private file is a file modified in a workspace and that can be delivered from this workspace. For instance a file can be edited to add temporary traces for debugging a program and privately checking-out it allows the user to make a difference between this file and other modified files in his/her workspace.

Private (part)

Any workspace provides an isolated space for modifying objects. Until a workspace delivers or publishes its content, modified objects belongs to its private part and cannot be used by other workspaces.

Program (mode)

The "program mode" is a special command output, which allows displayed data to be stocked and analyzed. For more details, see the article on the program mode.

Project (workspace)

Workspaces having child workspace(s) are usually called project workspace or integration workspace because they receive data from different workspaces and are used for integrating and testing these data. People working in a common development project create their workspaces under a common project workspace.


The promotion is the action of delivering developments from a workspace to its parent workspace. It is performed by the adl_promote command.

Public (part)

The public part of a workspace is the last published version of this workspace. SCM provides the adl_publish command for publishing a workspace that causes objects belonging to its private part to be available for other workspaces.



Refresh (image)

Refreshing an image is the operation of copying data from the associated workspace. The refreshing operation is performed by dataflow commands and can be performed by the user too. When a workspace has several images, different modifications are performed in each image. To transfer all modifications from an image to another one, the modifications must be first transfered in the workspace (check-in) and then other images can be refreshed against the workspace.


Any SCM editing command modifies database information and/or user's file system. If the corresponding process crashes (internal error, killed by the user, ...), it may leave inconsistent information. The recovery mechanism ensures consistency by restoring automatically all information modified by a process that crashed. See transaction.


Files and directories seen by users are projections of objects managed by SCM in repositories on SCM servers. See also Database.


Any component has a responsible whose login name is registered by SCM when creating the component. This responsible can be changed using the adl_ch_resp command. Component responsibles are listed by the adl_ls_fw command.

Root (workspace)

Workspaces are organized in trees. The first workspace created in a tree is called the root workspace.



SCM stands for Source Code Manager (formerly known as "Adele").


SCM manages data on dedicated hosts where SCM daemons are running. These hosts are identified as SCM servers.


A site is a naming space controled by the SCM monitor. Inside a site, the name of a workspace is unique. There can be only one SCM installation for a given site.

Software Object

See Object.


The synchronization is the action of getting data in a workspace from the last published state of the parent workspace.


TCK (Tool Configuration Key)

The CAA V5 development toolkit provides commands for managing various levels of tools. A TCK corresponds to a set of tools. In SCM, a TCK is associated with each workspace and causes the user environment to be set each time the user calls the adl_ch_ws command for selecting the current working workspace. By this way, it is possible to use different versions of tools in different workspaces.


Any command run under transaction control: this ensures that once a command has been started, it will run correctly until its completion or, if an error occurs (user error, interruption, internal failure, ...), its effects will be completed undone.


A transfer is a communication between two distant sites. A transfer transfers component from a site to another one, for the two sites can be synchronized, and can share components.


Workspaces are organized in hierarchies called trees. A tree has a logical name and is unique on a site.

Type (file)

SCM associates a type with any file while registering it into the system. The type is chosen regarding the file suffix. Predefined suffixes are listed using the adl_ls_type command.



Any SCM object (workspace, component, file, ...) is identified by a UUID.



A file evolves in time. All its different states are registered by SCM as versions. Versions are identified by a number (starting from 1). SCM manages versions of workspaces as well as versions of components.



A workspace is a database object created by one user, having a name and associated images. The workspace contains components and its content is projected from the database onto the user file system.







[1] See the command reference guide


Version: 2 [November 2002] Document update: add intersite, transfer, program, graphic tool
Version: 1 [April 2000] Document creation

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.