Source Code Manager


Projecting file's content

Quick Reference


The adl_get_file_content command projects the file content(s) whose Id is(are) given as argument. 


adl_get_file_content file_content_id -file file_path [-ws workspace_name | -tree ws_tree_name | -all_site] [-h | -help | -?]
adl_get_file_content -param param_file_path [-ws workspace_name | -tree ws_tree_name | -all_site] [-h | -help | -?]


This command projects the file content(s) whose Id is(are) given as argument or in the parameter file.
If the file_content_id argument is specified, the file content is projected with the path file_path. You may prefix the Id with "fcid:" in order to avoid any wrong line command interpretations.

  adl_get_file_content  fcid: C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f -file file.txt

If the option -param is specified, each file content is projected with its associated path.

Parameter file format:
  file_content_id1 : file_path1
  file_content_id2 : file_path2

The command needs workspace trees to find the server from which the file contents are to extract.
Workspace trees that are taken into account are as follows:



adl_get_file_content accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
file_content_id The file content identifier.
-file file_path Path of the file for writing the file content.
-ws workspace_name Name of the workspace
-tree tree_name Names of workspace trees
-all_site All the workspace trees of the SCM site.
-param param_file_path Path of the parameter file.


Get the file content of the file FileName, which file_id is "C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f" and send the result into the file "FileResult":

adl_get_file_content C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f -file FileResult
adl_get_file_content fcid:C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f -file FileResult


Get the file content of the file FileName, which file_id is "C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f" and send the result into the file "FileResult" for the workspace "MyWs": 

adl_get_file_content C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f -file FileResult -ws MyWs


Get the file content of the file FileName, which file_id is "C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f" and send the result into the file "FileResult" for all the trees of the site: 

adl_get_file_content C99ddB5cn9+3+++-GE+f -file FileResult -all_site




[1]  adl_co: Modifying files



Version: 1 [May 2001] Document created


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