Source Code Manager


Administrating a site

Quick Reference


The adl_fs_admin command administrates the file contents server(s) of a SCM site. 


adl_fs_admin -h | [-host host_name] [-port port_name] { -abort | -elements | -full_backup | -incr_backup backup_file_name | -null | -ping | -resources | -stop | -tasks | -lock | -unlock | -versions }


For a given site, the site's administrator will manage the file contents servers and the central database. See the [3] adl_monitor and [4] adl_file_server commands.

To create a site, see the [1] adl_mk_site command.

For more information on the File Contents Server, see the [2] File Server documentation.



adl_fs_admin accepts the following options:

-h Help of the command
-host host_name Name of file server host
-port port_name Access port to file server
-abort Kill all running tasks and stop.
-elements List the contents of the ELEMENT table.
-full_backup Reset the incremental backup list. When incremental backup is used, this option must be called before each full backup.
-incr_backup backup_file_name Generate a file compatible with the "-restore" option of the file server. The "backup_file_name" parameter is the name of a file visible on the file server host.
-lock Freeze all running transactions and lock server access.
Note this will block any running SCM command but without displaying a particular message for the user.
-null Test the connection.
-ping Test the connection. (Same as "-null".)
-resources Print the amount free memory and disk space.
-stop Wait for the end of all running tasks and stop.
-tasks List all running tasks.
-unlock Unlock the server.
-versions List the contents of the VERSION table.



Test the "HostName" host connection:

adl_fs_admin -host HostName -ping
adl_fs_admin -host HostName -null


Test the "HostName" host free space memory:

adl_fs_admin -host HostName -resources 


List the "HostName" host running tasks:  

adl_fs_admin -host HostName -tasks 


Reset the "HostName" host incremental backup list  

adl_fs_admin -host HostName -full_backup 



adl_mk_site: Creating a new site
File Server documentation
adl_monitor: Managing the monitor
adl_file_server: Managing the file server



Version: 1 [May 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.