Source Code Manager


Starting a file contents server

Quick Reference


The adl_file_server command starts a file contents server. 


adl_file_server -data data_path -files files_path [-port PortNumber ] { -format | -h | -repair | -recover | -restore file_name | -verbose }.


On a site, each contents server's name is unique.

Once the file server is registered with the [1] adl_mk_contents_server, you can start the new file contents server, running the adl_file_server command .You can see all the existing file contents server's names, running the [2] adl_ls_contents_server command. To change characteristics of a file contents server, run the [3] adl_set_contents_server command.

For more information on the File Contents Server, see the [4] File Server documentation.



adl_file_server accepts the following options:

-data data_path Management data directory path.
-files files_path Files storage directory path.
-port PortNumber Listening port (23400 by default).
-format Erase and initialize management data. In case of mistake, the data can still be recovered with the "-repair" option.
-h Help of the command
-repair Rebuild management data from the files storage area.
-recover Process redo log, finish active transactions and stop.
-restore file_name Restoration of an incremental backup.
-verbose Print traces.



Start the "MyFileServer" file contents server for the files "FilesPath" with the data "DataPath":

adl_file_server -data DataPath -files FilePath 


Restore a file "FileName" on the file contents server for the files "FilesPath" with the data "DataPath": 

adl_file_server -data DataPath -files FilePath -restore FileName



adl_mk_contents_server: Creating a new file contents server
adl_ls_contents_server: Listing all existing file contents server
adl_set_contents_server: Updating file contents server characteristics 
File Server documentation



Version: 1 [May 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.