Source Code Manager


Displaying last promotion's contents

Quick Reference


The adl_ds_promo command displays the modifications contained in the last requested workspace promotion.


adl_ds_promo {[workspace_name] [-tree ws_tree_name...]} | [-ws_rev ws_rev.] [-to|-target dest_workspace_name] [-program [-sep |-separator char]]  [-out file_path] [-full_info] [-h | -help | -?]


This command displays the contents of a promotion (run with the [1] adl_promote command) of a workspace to its parent workspace or a specified workspace.

It displays the modifications of the promotion request of workspace <workspace_name> or the current workspace to its parent workspace or to the specified workspace.

You can send the results to a file of your choice. With the -program option, you have internal Source Code Manager information relatives to the differences.

The "-program" option displays information in a specific output mode. Key words are given, associated with values. For more details, see the article explaining this option.



adl_ds_promo accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
workspace_name Name of the workspace whose promoted modifications are to display
-tree ws_tree_name Display only these workspace trees.
-ws_rev ws_rev The workspace revision to consider, with the format "ws.tree[.{number|label|last|date}]" (date format: YYYY/MM/DD-hh:mm:ss, time is optional (00:00:00 by default))
-to|-target dest_workspace_name Name of the workspace destination of the promotion request.
-program Display for programs
-sep separator Separator between each field for programs (default value is blank) 
-separator separator Separator between each field for programs (default value is blank)
-out file_path Path to a file for writing the results.
-full_info Display each change to be promoted and all relative informations (history...).



Display the last promotion of the "MyWsDev" workspace: 

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
Promotion requested by "MyWsDev" in workspace tree "ToolsTree" on Friday, March 16, 2001 10:41:29 AM
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\MyFile has been deleted
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\MySecondFile.cpp has been modified
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\MyThirdFile.doc has been created


adl_ds_promo MyWsDev
Promotion requested by "MyWsDev" in workspace tree "ToolsTree" on Friday, March 16, 2001 10:41:29 AM
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\MyDirectory has been deleted
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\MySecondFile.cpp has been modified
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\MyThirdFile.doc has been created


Display last promotions in the "MyWsDev" workspace in the tree "ToolsTree":

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_ds_promo -tree ToolsTree


adl_ds_promo MyWsDev -tree ToolsTree


Display the promotion content of the 12th version of the "MyWsDev" workspace in the tree "ToolsTree":

adl_ds_promo -ws_rev MyWsDev.ToolsTree.12


Display changes, in a format that can be reused by a program, of the file "MyFile" with the output that can be sent to a file "MyResultFile":  

adl_ds_promo -program
WS_CONTEXT ToolsTree Bzc2dpfs7Hg-++0eC++2 MyWsDev5 BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+6 +2+++8UCf5T8Eq3MMg3+++04E1S +2+++8UCf5T8Eq3MMg3+++04E1T 674
_SOFT_OBJ MyFw\MyModule.m\src\MyDirectory DEL CeBcIkq3MMg3+++-Y+0I DIR_ELEM FOLDER ELEMENT
__SO_CHG_GRP_CR +2+++8VCf5T8Uq3MMg3+++04E1j CH_DELETED MyWsDev BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+6 adl_rm 2001/03/16-10:38:50
____CREATED dl dl _________________ adl_rm 2001/03/16-10:38:50 MyWsDev5 BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+5 ToolsTree Bzc2dpfs7Hg-++0eC++2
__SO_CHG_GRP_CR +2+++7oCeBcIkq3MMg3+++-Y+0T MOVE MyWsDev BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+6 adl_mk_dir 2001/03/05-11:20:03
___SO_CHG ++++-CeBcIkq3MMg3+++-Y+0L MOVE PROJ NOT_TO_MERGE MyFw\MyModule.m\src NOT_DEL
 CaThiEq3MMg3+++-DU7G MyDirectory
____CREATED dl dl _________________ adl_mk_dir 2001/03/05-11:20:03 MyWsDev BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+5 TOOLSSDF Bzc2dpfs7Hg-++0eC++2
__SO_CHG_GRP_CR +2+++7oCeBcIkq3MMg3+++-Y+0U CH_DESCR MyWsDev BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+6 adl_mk_dir 2001/03/05-11:20:03
____CREATED dl dl _________________ adl_mk_dir 2001/03/05-11:20:03 MyWsDev BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+5 TollsTree Bzc2dpfs7Hg-++0eC++2




adl_promote: Promoting modifications
adl_rm_promo: Forgetting promotion



Version: 3 [Apr 2003] Document update, -ws_rev option
Version: 2 [Nov 2001] Document update
Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document creation


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