Source Code Manager


Changing current workspace

Quick Reference


The adl_ch_ws command changes the current workspace and/or the current image.
This command takes as input parameter the name of a workspace existing in a tree.
This workspace becomes the user’s current workspace.


adl_ch_ws workspace_name [-image image_name | -no_image] [-no_ds] [-continue_on_error] [-h | -help | -?] (1)
adl_ch_ws -dir directory_path [-no_ds] (2)


A workspace is unique on a given site.

This command displays part of the information displayed by the adl_ds_ws command.

  (1) Change of workspace with its name.

If no image name is given, the command looks for the image defined for the current operating system. If there is only one, it is selected, and the related directory becomes the current directory for the user. If there are several images, the list is displayed and the command returns an error.

You can specify that no current image should be selected. The current directory will not be modified. This option can be given, even if an image related to the workspace exists. If the name of an image is given, then the current directory changes too. The directory becomes the projection directory (directory of the image) if it can be found on the current machine.

  (2) Change of workspace with a directory.



adl_ch_ws accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-image image_name Choose the new current image
-no_image No current image choosen
-no_ds No display
-continue_on_error For some commands, if an error occurs, the treatment continues
-dir directory_path Path of the directory from which find the current image


Selection of the "MyWsDev" workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev


Selection of the MyWsDev workspace having an image on an Unix system, where the related directory /u/users/UserName/SCMV5/MyWsDev is accessible on the current machine:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev


Selection of the MyWsDev workspace having an image on a NT system, where the related directory E:\UserName\SCMV5\MyWsDev is accessible on the current machine:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev


Selection of the MyWsDev workspace having two images on Windows, where the related directories are accessible on the current machine:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
Looking for an image associated with the workspace 'MyWsDev'
# ADLCMD - 0430: More than one image associated with the workspace 'MyWsDev' found for Windows operating system
Choose between the following images: 
adl_ch_ws MyWsDev -image Image1MyWsDev


Selection of the MyWsDev workspace without changing the current directory, without any display:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev -no_image -no_ds




adl_ls_ws: Listing workspaces in a tree
adl_ds_ws: Displaying workspace status



Version: 1 [Feb 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.