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Changing person in charge

Quick Reference


The adl_ch_resp command changes the person in charge of an object. 


adl_ch_resp object... {-resp responsible_name | -no_resp} [-mod] [-tree ws_tree_name] [-h | -help| -?] (1)

adl_ch_resp -replace_resp responsible new_responsible [-tree ws_tree_name] (2)

adl_ch_resp -file ref_soft_obj_file_path new_soft_obj_file_path -tree ws_tree_name [-out new_ref_file_path] (3)




This command modifies the name of the user being responsible of one or many objects in the given workspace tree. If no workspace tree is specified, the command looks in the workspace trees in which the current workspace (see [2] adl_ch_ws) is linked with to know where are the components. The names of the new responsibles are changed for all workspaces belonging to the workspace trees where the components have been found.

The second usage replaces by a new responsible, all objects for a given responsible in their workspace tree.

The third usage modifies the name of the user being responsible of one or many objects in their workspace tree by doing the difference between the specified files.




adl_ch_resp accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
object Path(es), or identifiers prefixed by "soid:", of the object(s) you want to change the responsible
-resp responsible_name Name of the user who will be the new responsible of the component
-no_resp Delete responsible(s) associated with the object(s) in their workspace tree
-mod Change also responsible in contained modules and contained data components
-tree tree_name To specify in which workspace tree the component(s) must be searched. This option is useful when the command is run without having a current working image.
-replace_resp old_responsible new_responsible Change the responsible "old_responsible " of all software objects which belong to him in the workspace tree or in the the workspace trees of the workspace by "new_responsible"
-file ref_soft_obj_file_path new_soft_obj_file_path Path of the files (reference file and new file) containing software objects with their responsible in the format "identifier|responsible"
-out new_ref_file_path Path of the file where the new reference will be stored



Change of responsible of the AdeleTools framework

adl_ch_resp AdeleTools -resp UserName

Change of responsible of the AdeleTools framework and his modules

adl_ch_resp AdeleTools -resp UserName -mod

Change of responsible of the directory src of module ADLInstall.m of framework AdeleTools

adl_ch_resp AdeleTools\ADLInstall.m\src -resp UserName

Delete the responsible of the directory src of module ADLInstall.m of framework AdeleTools

adl_ch_resp AdeleTools\ADLInstall.m\src -no_resp

Change of responsible of the file fic1.cpp

adl_ch_resp AdeleTools\ADLInstall.m\src\fic1.cpp -resp UserName

Replace the responsible of all software objects which belong to him in the workspace tree TOOLSV5 by another one.

adl_ch_resp -replace_resp OldUserName NewUserName -tree TOOLSV5

Change of responsible with a reference file and a new file containing software object identifiers with responsible in the format "identifier|responsible".

adl_ch_resp -file ref_file.txt new_file.txt -tree TOOLSV5



adl_ls_ws: Listing workspaces in a tree
adl_ch_ws: Changing workspace



Version: 3 [Feb 2004] Document update : options "-file" added. It's a new usage.
Version: 2 [Dec 2003] Document update : options "-mod", "-no_resp" and "-replace_resp" added. All software objects can be associated with a responsible.
Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


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