Option Explicit
Dim Language as String

' ***********************************************************************
'   Purpose:      This macro:
'                 1 - Checks whether the active document is a CATPart
'                 2 - Retrieves the Relations collection. This is required    
'                     to create formulas
'                 3 - Retrieves the Parameters collection. This is required
'                     to create parameters
'                 4 - Creates parameters  
'                 5 - Creates formulas                              
'                 6 - Displays the list of relations         
'                 7 - Displays the list of parameters         
'                 Notes: a) The parameter list which is displayed contains 
'                           all the document parameters (i.e. the user parameters 
'                           and the others as well)
'                        b) If you replay the macro - you create new parameters
'                           and formulas, but parameter names are not those specified.  
'   Author:       Carole ROULLE, Pierre Grignon
'   Languages:    VBScript
'   Locales:      English (United States)
'   CATIA Level:  V5R6  
'   revision V5R13
' ***********************************************************************

Sub CATMain()
 ' Set the CATIA popup file alerts to False
 ' It prevents to stop the macro at each alert during its execution
 CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False

 ' Retrieve your active document - CATIA is your application 
 ' You get the active document by using the ActiveDocument property
 ' on your application object

    ' ----------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
    dim sDocPath As String 
    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If
    ' ----------------------------------------------------------- 

    ' Open the Part document 
    Dim sFilePath
    sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _
    Dim oDoc As Document
    set oDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

' Set the CATIA popup file alerts to False
' It prevents to stop the macro at each alert during its execution
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False

' Retrieve your active document - CATIA is your application 
' You get the active document by using the ActiveDocument property
' on your application object
Dim oActiveDoc As Document 
Set oActiveDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument 
' Check whether the document is a CATPart
If (InStr(oActiveDoc.Name,".CATPart")) <> 0  Then 

        ' Retrieve the collection object which contains
        ' all the document relations.
        ' The statements below are only valid when the active
        ' document is a CATPart
        Dim oRelations As Relations
        Set oRelations = oActiveDoc.Part.Relations

        ' Retrieve the collection object which contains
        ' all the document parameters
        Dim oParameters As Parameters 
        Set oParameters = oActiveDoc.Part.Parameters        

        ' Remove the SphereRadius parameter 
        ' if it exists in the Parameters collection 
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 to oParameters.Count
          if (oParameters.Item(i).Name = "SphereRadius") then
            oParameters.Remove "SphereRadius"  
          end if

        ' Create the ProjectId parameter
        ' This parameter is a string type parameter 
        ' Its initial value is CATLifKnowledgeAdvisor
        Dim oString1 As Parameter 
        Set oString1 = oParameters.CreateString("ProjectId","CATLifKnowledgeAdvisor")

        ' Create the ProjectKey parameter 
        ' This parameter is a string type parameter
        ' Its initial value is a blank string 
        Dim oString2 As Parameter
        Set oString2 = oParameters.CreateString("ProjectKey","")

        ' Create an integer type parameter
        ' Its name is Stringlength - its initial value is 0
        Dim oStringLength As Parameter 
        Set oStringLength = oParameters.CreateInteger("StringLength",0)

        ' Create a Length type parameter
        ' Its initial name is blank
        ' Its initial value is 0
        ' Note that units are specified in internal units
        ' i.e the units used by the geometric modeler (mm for Length) 
        Dim oSphereRadius As Parameter 
        Set oSphereRadius = oParameters.CreateDimension("","LENGTH", 0) 

        ' Rename the created parameter and assigns a value to it
        ' Note: this cannot be done if a parameter 
        ' already named SphereRadius exists in the document
        ' This is why a search for a SphereRadius parameter has
        ' been performed above.
        oSphereRadius.Rename "SphereRadius"
        oSphereRadius.Value = 50 
        ' Display the minum tolerance for "SphereRadius"
        msgbox "Min Tolerance for the LENGTH parameter " & oSphereRadius.MinimumTolerance

        ' Create a Volume type parameter 
        ' Its name is SphereVolume
        ' Its initial value is 0 m3
        Dim oSphereVol As Parameter
        Set oSphereVol = oParameters.CreateDimension("SphereVolume","VOLUME",0)

        ' Create a formula which specifies that the ProjectKey parameter value
        ' equals the three first characters of ProjectId
        ' To do so we use the CreateFormula method of the "Relations" collection
        ' object - the constrained parameter is passed as the third argument of the
        ' method - The formula expression is passed as the fourth argument.
        ' Note that the Extract function is provided by the Knowledge Advisor
        ' string function dictionary 
        Dim oFormula1 As Formula
        Set oFormula1 = oRelations.CreateFormula("Formula1", "", oString2,_
                                               "ProjectId.Extract(0,3)" ) 

        ' Create a formula which also applies to the ProjectKey parameter
        ' This formula will be created as inactive
        Dim oFormula2 As Formula
        Set oFormula2 = oRelations.CreateFormula("Formula2", "", oString2,_
                "ProjectId.Extract(4,3)" ) 

        ' Create a formula which applies to the StringLength parameter
        ' The formula expression passed as the fourth argument 
        ' uses the Length function which is provided with the string functions of the
        ' Knowledge Advisor dictionary
        Dim oFormula3 As Formula
        Set oFormula3 = oRelations.CreateFormula("Formula3", "", oStringLength,_
                                   "ProjectId.Length()" )  
        ' Create a formula which applies to the SphereVolume parameter
        ' It just calculates the volume from the radius
        Dim oFormula4 As Formula
        Set oFormula4 = oRelations.CreateFormula("Formula4", "", oSphereVol,_

        ' Display the list of relations 
        ' The formula names and expressions are displayed in a message box
        Dim ostrRel As String
        ostrRel = "Here is the list of relations" & vbCrLf
        For i = 1 to oRelations.Count
          ostrRel = ostrRel & vbCrLf & oRelations.Item(i).Name &_
                    "   " & oRelations.Item(i).Value
        MsgBox ostrRel       
        Dim ostrPar As String
        For i = 1 to oParameters.Count
          ostrPar = ostrPar & vbCrLf & oParameters.Item(i).Name 
        MsgBox ostrPar       
' Update the document

   MsgBox "The active document must be a CATPart"
End If
End Sub