Generative Shape Design

Creating Points and Lines and Converting them into Datum

This macro shows how to create wireframe and shape feature / convert to datum of corresponding dimension  / delete features /change properties of features in a CATIA Part document.

The macro opens a CATIA Part Document CAAGsiStart.CATPart

- The resulting document can be saved by setting the CAA_GSD_SAVE runtime environment variable
- Moreover, if CAA_GSD_EXIT variable is setted, the macro exit from CATIA

CAAGsiCreatePtLnAndConvertToDatum is launched in CATIA [1]. No open document is needed.

CAAGsiCreatePtLnAndConvertToDatum.CATScript is located in the CAAScdGsiUseCases module. Execute macro (Windows only).


CAAGsiCreatePtLnAndConvertToDatum includes five steps:

  1. Opening the Part Document and Retrieving the Current Open Body
  2. Creating Associative Points and Lines
  3. Converting Middle Points and Lines into Datum
  4. Deleting Useless Remaining Points
  5. Changing Graphic Properties (Color) and Datum Names
  6. Saving the Part Document and Exiting CATIA

Openning the Part Document and Retrieving the Current Open Body

' Open CATIA Part : CAAGsiCreateJoinSurface.CATPart 
 Dim sDocPath As String

 Dim partDocument1 As Document
 Set partDocument1 = documents1.Open(sDocPath & "\online\CAAScdGsiUseCases\samples\CAAGsiStart.CATPart")

 Dim part1 As Part
 Set part1 = partDocument1.Part
 ' Retrieving the active OpenBody
 Dim hybridShapeFactory1 As Factory
 Set hybridShapeFactory1 = part1.HybridShapeFactory

 Dim hybridBodies1 As HybridBodies
 Set hybridBodies1 = part1.HybridBodies

 Dim hybridBody1 As HybridBody
 Set hybridBody1 = hybridBodies1.Item("Open_body.1")

Opens the starting CATIA Part document and retieves OpenBody , the document contains parameters in order to store the number of created iterations.

Creating Associative Points and Lines

The VBScript macro use the "max" internal parameter to define the number of iterations

' Array 
' ----------------------------------------------------------
Dim TabExt ()
Dim TabMil ()
Dim TabLine()
Dim TabLineExpl()
Dim TabPtExpl()

ReDim TabExt(2*max)
ReDim TabMil(max)
ReDim TabLine(max)
ReDim TabLineExpl(max)
ReDim TabPtExpl(max)

Defines VBScript arrays for keeping generated hybridshapes objects in order to access them in following steps

Dim Pi As double
Dim R As double  
Dim Omega As double

R    = 50.0000
Pi   = 3.14116  
Omega= 2*Pi/max  

Defines some parameters for creating point and line.
Note : In the sample lines form a sort of "hyperboloid" 3D form:
Extremities of lines are defines on two mathematical computed circles position of point are taken a with 2*Pi/3 phase.

' ------------------------------------------------------
' GSD Geometrie Creation 	
' ------------------------------------------------------
Catia.SystemService.Print "(CAAGsiCreatePtLnAndConvertToDatum)  Create Points and Lines "

for i=1 to max

   'Create two points
    Angle = Omega * (i-1)
    Set TabExt(2*i-1)   = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewPointCoord(R*cos(Angle), R*sin(Angle), 100.000000)  
    hybridBody1.AppendHybridShape  TabExt(2*i-1) 
    part1.InWorkObject =  TabExt(2*i-1) 
    Set TabExt(2*i)  = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewPointCoord(R*cos(Angle+2*Pi/2), R*sin(Angle+2*Pi/2), -100.000000)
    hybridBody1.AppendHybridShape  TabExt(2*i)
    part1.InWorkObject = TabExt(2*i)

   'Draw line
    Set reference1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(TabExt(2*i-1))
    Set reference2 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(TabExt(2*i))
    Set TabLine(i)  = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewLinePtPt(reference1, reference2)
    hybridBody1.AppendHybridShape TabLine(i)
    part1.InWorkObject = TabLine(i)

   'Generate Intersection Point
    Set reference3 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(TabLine(i))
    Set originElements1 = part1.OriginElements
    Set hybridShapePlaneExplicit1 = originElements1.PlaneXY
    Set reference4 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(hybridShapePlaneExplicit1)
    Set TabMil(i) = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewIntersection(reference3, reference4)
    hybridBody1.AppendHybridShape TabMil(i) 
    part1.InWorkObject = TabMil(i)

    'Settings status parameter : Num_Of_Points_Created parameter
    intParam1.Value = i

    'Settings status parameter :  Percentage_Completed parameter
    realParam1.Value = i/max *100


Creates extremity points / lines / middle points of lines and keep in dedicated arrays

Converting Middle Points and Lines into Datum

' ------------------------------------------------------
' Convert to Datum 
' ------------------------------------------------------

' Add OpenBodys   for datum point and for datum line
Dim OpenBody1 As HybridBody
Dim OpenBody2 As HybridBody
Dim referencebody As Reference

Set OpenBody1 = hybridBodies1.Add()
Set referencebody = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(OpenBody1)	
hybridShapeFactory1.ChangeFeatureName referencebody  , "DatumPointBody" 

Set OpenBody2 = hybridBodies1.Add()
Set referencebody = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(OpenBody2)	
hybridShapeFactory1.ChangeFeatureName referencebody ,  "DatumLineBody" 

' Loop on element to convert 
for i=1 to max

   'Isolate Intersection point
    Set reference5 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(TabMil(i))
    Set TabPtExpl(i) = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewPointDatum(reference5)
    OpenBody1.AppendHybridShape TabPtExpl(i)
    part1.InWorkObject = TabPtExpl(i)

   hybridShapeFactory1.DeleteObjectForDatum reference5

   'Isolate the line
    Set reference5 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(TabLine(i))
    Set TabLineExpl(i) = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewLineDatum(reference5)
    OpenBody2.AppendHybridShape TabLineExpl(i)
    part1.InWorkObject = TabLineExpl(i)
    hybridShapeFactory1.DeleteObjectForDatum reference5


Point datum and Line datum are stored respectively in an OpenBody for PointDatum an one for LineDatum

Deleting Useless Remaining Points

' ------------------------------------------------------
' Delete Useless points 
' ------------------------------------------------------
for i=1 to max

Uses of selection mecanism in order to manage deletion.
All extremities of lines are removed.

Changing Graphic Properties (Color) and Datum Names

' ------------------------------------------------------
' Change graphic properties(color)  and datum names  
' ------------------------------------------------------
Dim referencedat1 As Reference
Dim referencedat2 As Reference

' Loop on element to modify 
for i=1 to max
    ' -- Points 
    ' Change Color of Middle Point  
    Set VisPropSet1 = selection1.VisProperties
    VisPropSet1.SetRealColor 255, int(255*(i-1)/max), int(255*(1-((i-1)/max)) ), 1
    ' Rename  
    NewName ="PointDatum" & "." & i	
    Set referencedat1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(TabPtExpl(i))
    hybridShapeFactory1.ChangeFeatureName referencedat1 ,NewName 	

    ' -- Lines 
    ' Change Color of Line  	
    Set VisPropSet1 = selection1.VisProperties
    VisPropSet1.SetRealColor int(255*(i-1)/max), 255, int(255*(1-((i-1)/max)) ), 1 
    ' Rename 
    NewName = "LineDatum" & "." & i
    Set referencedat2  = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(TabLineExpl(i))
    hybridShapeFactory1.ChangeFeatureName referencedat2 ,NewName 	

Uses of visualisation method for setting color of an object (R,V,B) with each from 0 to 255

Uses of ChangeFeatureName method implemented in HybridshapeFactory for renaming Feature
Important note : The availability of this method is temporary proposed: a more general way for renaming features will be provided in future releases.

Saving the Part Document and Exiting CATIA

On Error Resume Next 
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False	
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Save As 
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

' Note : Optional -  allows to specify where document should be saved
 Dim sTmpPath As String
 If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sTmpPath)) Then
    Err.Raise 9999,,"No Tmp Path Defined"
 End If

' Save 
  partDocument1.SaveAs sTmpPath & "\CAAGsiCreatePtLnAndConvertToDatum.CATPart"
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Close and Quit 
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allow to store document in a user choosen directory and name

Note: The number of part update is optimized all along the VBScript macro
It allows to save performances in replaying macro


In Short

This use case has shown how to create geometry in a Macro starting from existing geometry in a CATPart.



[1] Replaying a Macro
[2] Hybrid Shapes Automation Objects


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