Option Explicit
Dim Language as String

' Purpose:      This macro creates a simulable mechanism
'               in a specific product document
' Assumptions:  The product document used is called "ForKinMacro.CATProduct".
'               It contains a root product called Product1,
'               and two parts called "PartKIN_1" and "PartKIN_2".
'               In turn "PartKIN_1.CATPart" and "PartKIN_2.CATPart" 
'                  each contain at least a line called Line.1
' Author:       
' Languages:    VBScript
' Version:      V5R6
' Locales:      US English

Sub CATMain()

    ' 1-Prolog
    ' 1.a-Retrieve the root product and the first sub-product
    Dim oRootProduct As AnyObject
    Set oRootProduct = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product

    ' 1.b-Retrieve the first sub-product to be used as fixed part 
    Dim oProductToFix As Product
    Set oProductToFix = oRootProduct.Products.Item(1)
    ' 1.c-Switch the entire product to design mode
    oRootProduct.ApplyWorkMode DESIGN_MODE

    ' 1.d-Retrieve references to the geometry used for joint creation
    Dim sRefName As String
    sRefName =  "Product1/PartKIN_1.1/!Line.1"
    Dim oReferenceLine1 As Reference
    Set oReferenceLine1 = oRootProduct.CreateReferenceFromName  ( sRefName ) 
    sRefName =  "Product1/PartKIN_2.1/!Line.1"
    Dim oReferenceLine2 As Reference
    Set oReferenceLine2 = oRootProduct.CreateReferenceFromName  ( sRefName )

    ' 2-Create a new empty mechanism
    ' 2.a-Retrieve the Mechanisms Collection from the Product
    Dim cTheMechanisms As AnyObject
    Set cTheMechanisms = oRootProduct.GetTechnologicalObject("Mechanisms")
    ' 2.b-Create a new mechanism 
    Dim oNewMechanism As Mechanism
    Set oNewMechanism = cTheMechanisms.Add()

    ' 2.c-Check the number of mechanisms (expected to be one)
    Dim iNbmech As Integer
    iNbmech =cTheMechanisms.Count
    ' 2.d-Retrieve the name of the Mechanism
    Dim sMechanismName As String
    sMechanismName = oNewMechanism.Name

    ' 3-Create the fixed part in this mechanism
    oNewMechanism.FixedPart = oProductToFix

    ' 4-Create a cylindrical (actuator) joint in this mechanism
    ' 4.a-Prepare an array of references used for the joint
    Dim aVar1(1)
    Set aVar1(0) = oReferenceLine1
    Set aVar1(1) = oReferenceLine2

    ' 4.b-Create the joint
    Dim oNewJoint as Joint
    Set oNewJoint = oNewMechanism.AddJoint("CATKinCylindricalJoint",aVar1)

    ' 4.c-Check the number of joints (expected to be one)
    Dim iNbjnt As Integer
    iNbjnt = oNewMechanism.NbJoints

    ' 5-Create 2 commands on that joint 
    Dim oNewCommand1 as MechanismCommand
    Dim oNewCommand2 as MechanismCommand
    Set oNewCommand1 = oNewMechanism.AddCommand("CATKinLengthCmd",oNewJoint)
    Set oNewCommand2 = oNewMechanism.AddCommand("CATKinAngleCmd",oNewJoint)

End Sub